

Footprints voirfilms

H2O: Footprints In The Sand

H2O: Footprints In The Sand

Takuma Hirose est un jeune lycéen aveugle qui ne sait pas quel sens donner à sa vie.  Depuis la mort de sa mère (à ce jour inexpliquée), il garde une profonde cicatrice, ce qui le rend triste et assez timide.  A cause de ça, Takuma et son père quittent la ville pour s'intaller dans un endroit plus retiré, plus calme où Takuma ira dans un nouveau lycée. Il va se lier d'amitié avec des filles de la classe, dont trois qu'il va apprendre à connaître bien plus que les autres.  Il y a l'obstinée Hayami Kohinata, la gentille Hinata Kagura, et la mystérieuse Otoha qui se fait passer pour un esprit du vent et que Takuma est le seul à voir.  Au fur et à mesure qu'ils apprennent à se connaître, les blessures de Takuma commencent à guérir... .



An amnesiac young woman (Sybil Temtchine) wakes up, face down on the footprints of Graumans Chinese Theatre, and spends one day, from sunrise to sunset, entirely on Hollywood Boulevard, piecing together her identity through her interaction with a host of disparate characters and famous locales..



When David loses his loyal German shepherd Smokey, he feels all is lost... until Cadie, a dog with a rough past of her own. The two come together, with the help of God's power, to transform their lives in FOOTPRINTS..



San Andres is the scene of a very particular tradition: horse racing on the shore of the beach. A unique competition that brings together all the inhabitants. On this occasion, two of the most popular specimens face each other. In the end, the fastest team will take all the glory..



Weerasethakul's contribution to an omnibus production exploring analogies between football and everyday life. The project was created by Mexican film director Daniel Gruener and originally broadcast during the 2014 FIFA World Cup..



A morning in the life of a house help comes crashing down on her as she navigates various odds at her home and at the place where she works..



"Footprints" is an emotional journey of a restless mother, a heart broken tribal girl, a tale of a missing soul and a bunch of college friends, who land in Kashmir but somehow the charming expedition turns to be an odious one..

Australie : l'aventure des premiers hommes

Australie : l'aventure des premiers hommes

Il y a 50 000 ans, bien avant qu’Homo sapiens n'atteigne l'Amérique ou l'Europe, des hommes ont débarqué en Australie, se sont adaptés à ce rude continent et y ont prospéré, comme en témoignent sur place les traces d'œuvres d'art, de sculptures, d'ornements et de rites funéraires apparus avant l'époque de l'homme de Cro-Magnon. Cette civilisation, la plus ancienne au monde, n'a connu aucune interruption, de son origine jusqu'à la colonisation blanche, et s'étend sur une période dix fois plus longue que l'Égypte antique. Visitant les sites de la préhistoire dispersés dans tout le pays, et partant à la rencontre des populations indigènes et des archéologues, cette fresque en deux parties raconte pour la première fois cette étonnante histoire..

Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand 《足印》 is a Malaysian television series co-produced by Double Vision and ntv7. It is aired every Monday to Thursday, at 10:00pm on Malaysia's ntv7. This drama started airing on 19 April 2011 on the Malaysian channel..

H20 Footprints in the Sand

H20 Footprints in the Sand

H2O's story revolves around Takuma Hirose, a blind young male junior-high school student, though the cause for his blindness is undetermined. After his mother died unexpectedly, it left a deep emotional scar on him, which caused him to become very lonely and reserved. Due to this, Takuma and his uncle move from the city out into a rural area and Takuma is enrolled into a new junior-high school. At his new school, he meets several new girls, though three of whom he gets to know the most out of anyone else; the firm and obstinate Hayami Kohinata, the kind and obliging Hinata Kagura, and the cheerful and mysterious Otoha. As Takuma interacts with these girls, his medical condition gradually begins to heal and he fully recovers..

The Footprints of the Secretary

The Footprints of the Secretary

Luis Madero is a young professor of History at a prestigious high school. It is essentially phobic. Until Camila arrives and introduces herself as the assistant of Don Federico Madero, her grandfather. Luis does not want to know anything with that man who leaves him to look for him. Camila notices Luis of the death of Don Federico and the delivery of his unique inheritance; an old cane. From this moment strange things begin to happen in Luis's life; Someone is watching, they are following him and both will begin a path that puts them in the writings of Mariano Moreno, in the footsteps of the Secretary..

Les traces

Les traces

Une jeune femme, obsédée par d'étranges cauchemars, découvre un trou noir de deux jours dans son emploi du temps, ainsi qu'une carte postale inconnue représentant un hôtel situé à Garma, sur une île orientale. Elle décide de s'y rendre pour enquêter....