

Following sokroflix gratuit

Following : le suiveur

Following : le suiveur

Bill est un jeune écrivain qui, par curiosité, prend des inconnus en filature dans les rues de Londres. Ses maladresses et son manque de rigueur lorsqu'il cherche à trop s'approcher de ses sujets le conduisent à être repéré et lui-même suivi par Cobb, un cambrioleur psychopathe, sophistiqué et risque-tout. Cobb persuade peu à peu Bill de passer le pas entre filer et entrer par effraction dans les maisons des personnes qu'il suit….



Joe Carroll, un serial killer diabolique, utilise la technologie pour créer une secte de tueurs en séries, tous reliés les uns aux autres alors qu'ils sont dispersés aux quatre coins des Etats-Unis. L'ancien agent du FBI Ryan Hardy, qui l'a traqué et capturé par le passé, qui a même écrit un livre sur lui et qui connait la moindre de ses ruses, se voit contraint de reprendre du service....



Who is he? Where does he come from? What does he want? An experimental short film created for the most part with a mobile phone. The filmmaker shot on the first day, animated on the second, and tried to make sense of it all on the third..

Alisa: Follow Your Heart

Alisa: Follow Your Heart

Alisa Lenz and luck? Her boyfriend cheats on her, then leaves her with a mountain of debts... She ruins her job application by angering the company's CEO... She loses the cut-glass pendant that was the only keepsake from her biological parents - and that was her good-luck charm... Decidedly, luck does not seem to smile on Alisa. But if you think this is enough to keep her from pursuing her goal of happiness and fulfillment, you don't know Alisa!.

La Nuit du lendemain

La Nuit du lendemain

À son arrivée à l'aéroport d'Orly, la fille du richissime M. Dupont est enlevée. La jeune fille est séquestrée dans une maison isolée, sur une plage de la Côte d'Opale..



Realtor Jung-tae’s hobby is sneaking into strangers’ homes and peeping into their lives. One day, an unfamiliar face in the area grabs his attention – an Instagram star, So-ra. Miraculously, So-ra leaves her house key at Jung-tae’s agency and Jung-tae visits her home whenever he can, thrilled and excited. Like any other day, Jung-tae makes another visit and finds what he hadn’t expected: the dead body of So-ra. Jung-tae is shocked and he can’t call the police and report. But when he returns few hours later with a client… So-ra’s dead body is gone! Days later, Jung-tae receives a red note saying ‘It was you, right?’. Even worse, all evidences say that Jung-tae is the criminal. Can he find the real killer and clear his name?.

#Struggles: Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World

#Struggles: Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World

Smartphones and selfies are everywhere in today's tech-obsessed culture. How can we engage in social media responsibly and stay focused on Christ? Exploring the influence of personal technology on our emotions and relationships, Groeschel refreshes our understanding of key biblical principles---including contentment, intimacy, authenticity, and more---to help restore balance and real-life engagement to our lives. 240 pages, hardcover from Zondervan..

Fair winds and following seas

Fair winds and following seas

Fair winds and following seas shows states and conditions of #crossing(thesea), #travelling(home), #(conquering)expedition and #migrating. The images are predominantly set in India, but avoid any exoticism. The hashtags in the film description invite for individual interpretations of the film material and serve as road signs on the path of different perceptions..

Dans l'enfer d'une secte

Dans l'enfer d'une secte

Heather découvre que sa fille adolescente, Ally, a disparu. Elle se rend immédiatement à la police. Celle-ci trouve les affaires d'Ally au bord d'une rivière près d'une petite ville à quelques heures de là et présume qu'elle s'est noyée, mais Heather refuse d'accepter leur explication. Déterminée à prouver que sa fille est vivante, Heather commence à fouiller les biens d'Ally et découvre l'étrange amitié de sa fille avec un groupe d'adolescents en difficulté dans un centre de jeunesse voisin, dirigé par un homme nommé Bridger. Alors qu'Heather s'efforce de trouver quoi que ce soit sur ce mystérieux centre de jeunesse, elle aperçoit enfin Ally. Au début ravi d'avoir retrouvé sa fille, Heather apprend bientôt que sa fille a rejoint une secte….

Les Initiés

Les Initiés

L'argent ne fait pas toujours le bonheur. Qu'arrive-t-il lorsque la cupidité et l'ambition sont exposés aux crises économiques qui touchent à la fois les banques et la bourse ? Spéculation et escroquerie sont les maîtres mots de ces princes d'entreprise corrompus....

1969 - Following Merckx

1969 - Following Merckx

1969. July the 15th. Stage 17 of the Tour de France. A brutal stage from Luchon to Mourenx covering four of the toughest mountains in the Pyrenees. On this fateful day, Eddy Merckx catapulted himself into the history books with one of the greatest solo breakaways the sport has ever seen. Fast forward over half a century, and GCN’s Simon Richardson is in the Pyrenees to pay tribute to The Cannibal by recreating his ride. To make the 220km epic even more challenging, Si will do it aboard his 1969 spec Faema team bike and wearing their iconic red and white jersey. Eddy Merckx made this ride look easy, but will Si even make it to the finish line?.

Following the Sound

Following the Sound

One day, Haru (25), who works as a bookstore clerk, reunites with Takeshi (45), whom she first met a few years prior, when she stopped him from jumping in front of a train. Takeshi offers Haru a job. Another day, Haru is worried about Yukiko (40) who is sitting on a bench in front of the station, and talks to her. This leads them on a small journey together. Haru takes along a cassette tape and recorder left behind by her mother Taeko, who died of illness when Haru was in primary school. Haru again faces regrets of not being able to help Taeko, which she had held for a long time..

Following Her Heart

Following Her Heart

A Swedish woman, married to a domineering man for 35 years, is "set free" upon her husband's death. While she is the heir to his estate, she is only allowed $300. Ready to pursue her passion in music, she moves to Nashville where she meets her longtime pen-pal and scores the opportunity to perform in a small club..

J'irai au bout de mes rêves

J'irai au bout de mes rêves

Antoine, 25 ans, est porteur de trisomie 21. Il a été élevé par un père aimant et peu bavard qui n’a jamais laissé le handicap se mettre en travers du bonheur de son fils. Il travaille comme aide-documentaliste au CDI dans un collège et mène une vie bien réglée entre famille et amis. Jusqu’au jour où il fait la connaissance de Bianca, une jeune surveillante qui rêve en secret de devenir chanteuse. Il se prend d’affection pour elle. Leur rencontre va les mener plus loin qu’ils ne l’auraient imaginé….

Following the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Following the Rabbit-Proof Fence

This documentary follows Phillip Noyce as he tries to find three aboriginal girls able to act in his film Rabbit Proof Fence. The film sees a cast of 100's whittled down to the eventual three girls and follows them through workshops and into the difficult shoot..

1992: Following El Diablo

1992: Following El Diablo

Setting out from Saint Gervais, Mitch Docker is embarking on an epic challenge to emulate one of the greatest rides in Tour de France history; Claudio Chiappucci’s crazy solo breakaway through the Alps to victory in the 1992 edition of the race. 250km, over 7000 metres of elevation, 5 brutal Alpine mountains, and the blistering heat of the French Summer lie ahead of Mitch as he undertakes the toughest bike ride of his life. As Mitch rides South through the mountains, he’ll have to suffer over the Col des Saises, the Cormet de Roselend, the Col de l’Iseran, the Col du Mont Cenis, and the brutal final climb up to Sestriere. To make this challenge even harder, he’ll be riding a replica of Chiappucci’s ‘92 Carrera - complete with a heavy steel frame, down tube shifters, and rim brakes!.

Following Harry

Following Harry

Featuring Harry Belafonte, Aja Monet, Aloe Blacc, and Jesse Williams, Following Harry explores the life and legacy of cultural and civil rights icon Harry Belafonte through the stories of those artists and activists carrying on his life’s work dedicated to social justice..