

Flying Blind sokroflix gratuit

Flying Blind

Flying Blind

Flying Blind is an American sitcom that aired on Fox from September 1992, to May 1993. The series stars Corey Parker and Téa Leoni..

Flying Blind

Flying Blind

A spy steals a secret military device, then hijacks an airliner to get away. The airliner crashes in the wilderness & the survivors are threatened by a raging forest fire..

Flying Blind

Flying Blind

Frankie est dans la quarantaine, ambitieuse et prospère. Elle travaille dans l'industrie aérospatiale à Filton, concevant des drones de surveillance pour l'armée. Elle ne s'est jamais mariée et contrôle complètement chaque partie de sa vie. Sa relation la plus proche est avec son père, qui a travaillé comme ingénieur sur Concorde. Mais sa vie bascule à jamais lorsqu'elle se lance dans une liaison passionnée avec Kahil, un étudiant franco-algérien en aérospatiale, de vingt ans son cadet. Un jour, elle arrive au travail et est détenue par les services de sécurité : Kahil est une personne d'intérêt pour le MI5. Sa vie bien ordonnée commence à se dérouler dans un tourbillon de soupçons et de préjugés, Frankie ne sachant plus s'il faut suivre sa passion ou écouter les doutes qui l'envahissent de plus en plus..

Flying Blind

Flying Blind

A young man who grew up during the spectacular glow of the space race is forced to confront the reality that his dreams of the stars might not be where his fate lies..

Flying Blind

Flying Blind

Melodrama set in Philadelphia, PA in 1965. Eddie Panvini (Panebianco), a teenage photographer from South Philadelphia facing the Vietnam draft joins the coffeehouse fringe in 1965 Philadelphia and struggles with several moral choices before deciding to go to Vietnam as a war photographer..

Flying Blind

Flying Blind

One day a heavy smoker finally quits his habit exactly when the clock hits noon. After years of thinking about it, he has reached a point of no return. During the next hour he has to face a series of unexpected irritations. Can he resist the temptation of the seductive cigarette? Has he picked the right day for such torture?.

Blind pig who wants to fly

Blind pig who wants to fly

Linda is a young woman of Chinese heritage whose mother converted to Christianity after gaining some fame as a badminton player. Her friend Cahyono is tired of anti-Chinese prejudice and now tells people he’s from Japan. Together, they try to make sense of their place in the Indonesian society..

The Blind Fly

The Blind Fly

This almost silent film has been censored and rejected for his violent scenes, even if it was well received at the Pesaro New Cinema in 1966. It contains a quotation from Beckett off-screen at the critical moment. The story sometimes seems like a puzzle where a simple man who is sick from his environment, suddenly starts killing several people near a stadium. There are also moments from his life, discussing with a friend about fear of death and various meetings his beloved girlfriend. - my-tv-is-dead.

A Sword Renounced

A Sword Renounced

Also known as The Blind Swordsman's Revenge, this is Zatoichi Versus The Flying Guillotine (1972). Zatoichi is "born Wu Ching Hui, he was kidnapped by pirates as a youth and taken to Japan, where he learned his cane sword skills. He appears to be widely known in China by his Japanese name, but as the film opens he is just returning to China to look up his long-lost brother, Tieh Hou. To his dismay, he learns that the brother has been killed in a sword duel with one Chu Yen Jieh. The grief-stricken prodigal blubbers in mourning and vows revenge.".