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Water and Fire

Water and Fire

Quand Hasmet, le fils aîné du clan Ayaz, se fait tirer dessus au cours d’une réunion avec la famille rivale, il n’a pas d’autre choix que de tuer le patriarche de cette dernière. Pour protéger ses proches, il accepte de s’exiler à Londres jusqu'à ce que les choses se calment. Le cours de sa vie va changer, non pas à cause de sa blessure par balle, mais en raison de légères égratignures que laissera Yagmur sur sa main, passagère assise à côté de lui dans l’avion pour l’Angleterre et terrorisée par l’altitude. C’est l’histoire d’un homme qui fuit les lois orales de l’Est, d’une fille innocente et inconsciente des dures réalités de la vie et d’une idylle criblée d’obstacles. C’est l’histoire de l’Orient et de l’Occident, du soleil et de la lune, de l’eau et du feu..

Fire on Water

Fire on Water

Karthi, a disgruntled assistant on commercial productions, is working on an honest, personal film script, but his project is without industry backers. In the dispiriting pursuit of his dream, he loses his love and sinks into alcoholism, until he meets a kindred spirit adrift in the world. Fire on Water, the sophomore feature from Sun-J Perumal (Thaipoosam, 2007), zeroes in on a highly particular and rarely seen milieu: the travails of artistically minded filmmakers within the Tamil media industry in Malaysia..

Fire on the Water

Fire on the Water

Karthi, a disgruntled assistant on commercial productions, is working on an honest, personal film script, but his project is without industry backers. In the dispiriting pursuit of his dream, he loses his love and sinks into alcoholism, until he meets a kindred spirit adrift in the world..

Par feu et par flammes

Par feu et par flammes

Un jour, Vasya se rend dans la forêt pour rencontrer sa bien-aimée Alyonushka, seulement pour la faire sortir de la force du misérable Kashchej. Vasya doit faire face à de nombreuses épreuves fantastiques..

Fire & Water

Fire & Water

This story is set in the year 1664. Rajasinghe the Second the King of the Kandyan Kingdom, is hemmed in by the Dutch who controlled the maritime provinces of the Sri Lankan. A rebel - Ambanwala Rala, threatens him within his own kingdom. Ambanwala Rala enjoys some support from influential Kandyan chiefs as well as those who wield considerable civil power in the villages. The film revolves around the lives of this exorcist, his assistant, a woman called Kirimenike and her man Herath. The story unfolds against the backdrop of this political turmoil, the rebellion and counter rebellion weaving in and out of the inter-play among these characters and the cultural ethos that surrounds them. In the final denouement, the protagonists discover themselves and each other; partly as a result of the tumult they live through..

Water and Fire

Water and Fire

Ali Mashreghi is a writer whose wife has been murdered after the night of his bitter fight with his wife. He is arrested and there is only one woman who can help him in the court of law..

Between Fire and Water

Between Fire and Water

Camilo is the adopted son of an indigenous couple of the Quillasinga tribe. He is the only black man in his community and has always felt different. That is why he embarks on a journey in search of his origins. With the truth revealed, Camilo manages to find his identity..



Water/Mist/Fire/Off is a panoply of rather drowsy story pieces about fire. In this simulation video which waits for a fire to break out, conversation continues between the witness of an accident and the analyst interpreting it. In the production process, posts uploaded on an online dream-reading community, fire simulation video clips and a thesis regarding the psychology of arson were referred to and used..