

Father to Son streaming vf complet gratuit

Father to Son

Father to Son

Au fil des travaux saisonniers, Joseph Valin, cultivateur à Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures et chef de famille, s'interroge avec nostalgie sur l'avenir de cette terre qu'il aime tant. Lequel de ses fils désignera-t-il comme son principal héritier? Un film éclairant sur les moeurs et les coutumes qui avaient cours, dans les années 1950, au sein de la société rurale du Québec. (ONF).

Gonzaga: From Father to Son

Gonzaga: From Father to Son

Luiz Gonzaga decides to change his destiny and leaves his childhood home for the big city to overcome a romance. When he arrives, he meets a woman he falls in love with, the Odaleia (Nanda Costa). After the birth of his son and his wife's health complications, he decides to return to the road to ensure a better future for his son. He has a friend in Rio de Janeiro and with him leaves the little one and heads to Brazil. He didn't imagine that this distance between them would develop into a complicated relationship, enhanced by the strong personalities of both. Based on conversations between father and son, this is the story of Luiz Gonzaga, a singer and accordion player known as Rei do Baião or Gonzagão..

Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons

Top-ranked market research manager, Man Tin-Tzi, is an expert at price comparison. Tin-Tzi who relishes his yuppie lifestyle has been longing for early retirement. But the sudden return of his eight-year-old son seems to have completely shattered his dreams. Tin-Tzi has no experience in taking care of children and is totally clueless about how to look after his son. Luckily his ally-cum-rival Amy Kam is there to help and look out for him in every way. Meanwhile, Tin-Tzi is also trying to patch up his relationship with his godfather Ko Chi-Tim, who has his own family issues..

Father to Son

Father to Son

The film examines the painful relationship between fathers and sons through the eyes of one family. Four generations of men are featured in the film. Father to Son deals with the conflict between generations and their subjective memories, and the way different methods of raising children pass from one generation to the next. How often and to what extent do we repeat the behavioural patterns of our fathers; can we change or break these patterns or is repeating them inescapable, and how many generations are needed for change to occur? Are the values we have inherited from our fathers still valid in the modern world? One of the leading themes of this film is the sensitivity of a man and a boy, and its preservation and suppression..

Father to Son

Father to Son

On his 60th birthday, Van is told that he is seriously ill. But instead of going to Taipei for treatment, his illness leads him to Japan. Together with his son, he goes in search of the father who abandoned him 50 years ago. At the same time, a young man with a mysterious connection to Van's past is travelling from Hong Kong to Taiwan..

Father to son

Father to son

In this musical debut film, there seems to be hardly any verbal communication between a father and his young son. But when dad plays his saxophone, the boy listens attentively. He gets a sip of dad’s coffee. A very small, intimate film with its heart in the right place..

Tel père, tel fils

Tel père, tel fils

Ryoata, un architecte obsédé par la réussite professionnelle, forme avec sa jeune épouse et leur fils de 6 ans une famille idéale. Tous ses repères volent en éclats quand la maternité de l'hôpital où est né leur enfant leur apprend que deux nourrissons ont été échangés à la naissance : le garçon qu’il a élevé n’est pas le sien et leur fils biologique a grandi dans un milieu plus modeste….

Of Fathers and Sons

Of Fathers and Sons

Talal Derki retourne en Syrie, sa patrie, où il gagne la confiance d'une famille islamiste radicale, partageant leur vie quotidienne pendant plus de deux ans. Sa caméra fournit un aperçu extrêmement rare de ce que signifie grandir dans un califat islamique..

My Father's Son

My Father's Son

Doma invites his rarely seen half-brother Ádám to a fancy café. He claims that their father wants to get back together with Ádám's mother, and now they can spy on them. Ádám doesn't believe him, but the parents do turn up and a strange family portrait begins to unfold..

Deux fils

Deux fils

Joseph et ses deux fils, Joachim et Ivan, formaient une famille très soudée. Mais Ivan le plus jeune est en colère contre ses modèles qu’il voit s’effondrer: son grand frère Joachim ressasse inlassablement sa dernière rupture amoureuse et son père a décidé de troquer sa carrière réussie de médecin pour celle d’écrivain raté. Pourtant, ces trois hommes ne cessent de veiller les uns sur les autres….

Father and son

Father and son

Son histoire raconte celle d'un père gay qui a élevé son fils adoptif seul après la mort de son compagnon . Son fils victime d'intimidation, cherche à sortir de ses problèmes tout seul. Il tombe alors amoureux d'un garçon, qui se trouve avoir le béguin pour son père . Triangle amoureux , trahisons comment la relation père fils évolueras t'elle..

Mon père et mon fils

Mon père et mon fils

Ayant perdu sa mère en 1980, Deniz part sept ans plus tard dans un village de la région égéenne, rejoindre son grand-père qu'il n'a jamais vu et qui est en conflit avec son fils Sadik, le père de Deniz. Hüseyin, le grand-père, avait en effet jadis renié son fils Sadik qui avait préféré devenir militant politique plutôt que d'assurer la succession de son père à la ferme. Tandis que Deniz intègre un environnement chaleureux, entouré de sa famille paternelle, Sadik, lui, se retrouve dans des règlements de compte avec les personnes qu'il a blessées, mais aussi avec lui-même....