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Douglas est un vendeur de disque solitaire dont le seul amour va à l'actrice Sally Ross. Mais lorsque ses lettres d'amour qu'il lui écrit tous les jours n'ont comme réponse que celles formelles et impersonnelles, son amour se transforme en haine..



Un groupe d'étudiants est sélectionné pour partir en excursion sur une petite île isolée afin d'y étudier la flore. Les habitants des lieux, un couple de cinéphiles excentriques, accueillent et filment les nouveaux arrivants. Ces derniers sont loin de se douter qu'ils jouent leurs derniers instants de vie devant la caméra....



Quand il tente de se mettre dans la peau de son idole, le plus grand fan d'un artiste de trap découvre qu'être une superstar n'est pas aussi simple qu'il n'y paraît..



Charlie and Gerald reunite their failed 2000's boy band for a competition whose prize money could remedy all of their financial woes. What could go wrong?.

NFL Football Fanatic

NFL Football Fanatic

Each week Australian transplant Darren McMullen visits a different American city to learn about the unique take they have on football fandom, with real “super-fans” as his guides. He'll explore all aspects of NFL traditions and experiences, with behind-the scenes access to players, coaches, and other iconic football figures during team practices and pre-game warmups..

Precautions Against Fanatics

Precautions Against Fanatics

The film features several horse trainers and other track workers talking about their roles at the track, always eventually interrupted by an older man who claims to be the true authority, and demands that they be thrown out. One recurring young man, the first to appear, claims that he protects the horses from enthusiastic racing fans. He does not appear to be employed by the track, but seems to provide his services voluntarily. His protection from "fanatics" gives the film its title. The film is shot in a documentary style, but the sheer implausibility of the dialogue leaves the exact nature of the film ambiguous..



As a son deals with his own struggles, he must calm his father's obsession with fishing before his outlandish behavior ruins the entire family..

Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche

Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche

A psychiatric-clinic medical director runs some tests on two patients, the Ragionier Antonio Vignanelli and Cavalier Peppino Caprioli, so they must retrieve some memories of family life in order to understand their mental illness..



Mrs. Trefoile, une vieille femme empreinte de fanatisme religieux, vit seule avec ses domestiques dans une maison isolee de la campagne anglaise. Un jour, elle recoit la visite de l'ancienne fiancee de son fils decede qui lui annonce qu'elle va bientot se marier. La pieuse dame l'enferme alors dans son grenier ou elle veut purifier l'ame de celle qui fut destinee a son "inoubliable" rejeton ......



Tess is the female lead in a very successful Sci-Fi series. She longs to escape from the sexist and stereotypical role that has given her fame but no one around her can believe she would leave a starring role. When a photo leaks that suggests her leading man and real-life husband is cheating on her, Tess turns to her trusted assistant for support. Unfortunately, that may not have been the wisest choice..



In a realm of love, longing, and lies, Raina, an isolated and unattractive woman harboring a secret infatuation, becomes enamored with the devilishly handsome Sterling Robinson. However, as their connection deepens, she discovers his perilous, dark secret, thrusting her into a dangerous situation that jeopardizes her very existence..

The Fanatics

The Fanatics

A celebration of the intense passion of the super-fan, The Fanatics pits three contestants against each other in a bid to be proven the most devoted. Their obsessions are all-consuming. Their infatuation is deep-rooted. Their knowledge is unparalleled. And now these super fans will do battle in a high-tension, high-stakes game show that puts their knowledge to the ultimate test to crown only one player The Fanatic. Over a series of rounds three contestants will have to demonstrate incredible powers of recall, observation, dexterity and an unprecedented level of knowledge of their chosen subject..