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In 1960, Brion Gysin invented the Dream Machine, a hypnotic light device with the power to induce hallucinations, drugless highs, and revolutionize human consciousness. It looks simple enough; a 100-watt light bulb, a motor, and a rotating cylinder with cutouts. Just sit in front of it, close your eyes, and wait for the visions to come. The Dream Machine enthralled mystics and freethinkers everywhere; Kurt Cobain had a dream machine, and William S. Burroughs thought it could be used to “storm the citadels of enlightenment.” With a custom-made Dream Machine in tow, director Nik Sheehan takes us on a journey into the life of Brion Gysin; his art, his complex ideas, and his friendships with some of the most eccentric counter-cultural icons. Taking the Dream Machine as the basis of its explorations, FLicKeR asks crucial questions about the nature of art and consciousness, and imagines a humanity liberated to explore its creativity in complete freedom..



‘Flicker’ is a portrait of Danny (Peter Newington), a typical twenty-something Dubliner, who gets assaulted one night in a city centre nightclub. Escaping the incident with only minor injuries, Danny throws himself back into his old routine: early-morning classes, five-a-side football, late nights on the sesh with the lads. Pretty soon, however, Danny begins to realise that the assault has affected him in more ways than one..



Trapped in an enclosed area, Sarah frantically looks for a way to escape, hoping not to encounter anything that may be lurking around her in the darkness..



A young girl and her puritanical parents are wary of the evils outside their door, but it's what's inside that is truly terrifying..



Camping becomes the challenge of a lifetime when Pretty wakes up to find her friends' tent torn up and bloody. Blending experimental independent style with classic horror movie themes, Flicker follows our survivor through the mountains where seemingly everything is out to get her. But, when all hope is lost, there's always a flicker..



Eyes open and keep looking into the blinding source of light that reduces figures and objects in this film to narrow silhouettes. All there is light....



Deep down in the dark ocean not all the fish like bright lights but there’s a friend for everyone in this world, you just have to find them..

Mon amie Flicka

Mon amie Flicka

Cette série met en scène l'amitié d'un jeune garçon, Ken McLaughlin, et d'une jument, Flicka, dans un ranch du Wyoming au tout début du xxe siècle..

Fractured Flickers

Fractured Flickers

Fractured Flickers is a live-action syndicated half-hour television comedy show that was produced by Jay Ward, who is otherwise known for animated cartoons. The pilot film was produced in 1961, but the series wasn't completed until 1963. Twenty-six episodes were produced; they were syndicated by Desilu Productions and played for several years on local stations..

Flicka 2: Amies pour la vie

Flicka 2: Amies pour la vie

Carrie est une adolescente dont la vie quotidienne se voit bouleversée, le jour où elle doit quitter la ville pour rejoindre son père dans un ranch, au fin fond du Wyoming. C’est alors qu’elle rencontre Flicka, une superbe jument au tempérament aussi sauvage et fougueux qu’elle. Un lien unique se créé entre elles, et Carrie commence enfin à s’ouvrir à son père, et à se rapprocher d’un beau jeune homme. Mais lorsqu’un rival jaloux met la vie de Flicka en danger, Carrie va tout faire pour sauver sa meilleure amie..

Flicka 3  Meilleures amies

Flicka 3 Meilleures amies

Alors que Toby est embauché dans une nouvelle écurie, il emmène son cheval Flicka avec lui. La jeune fille du propriétaire, Kelly, se lie rapidement d’amitié avec le cheval sauvage et se met en tête de l’entrainer pour la prochaine compétition, malgré le désaccord de sa mère. A l’approche de la compétition, face à un entraineur adverse malhonnête, et avec la peur de devoir vendre l’écurie, Toby n’a d’autre choix que d’intervenir entre Kelly et sa mère..