

Extracted sokroflix gratuit



Thomas Jacobs, ingénieur brillant, a inventé un dispositif lui permettant d’entrer dans l’esprit humain et d’observer les souvenirs. N’ayant plus de ressources financières pour achever son projet, il se lie à contre cœur au département de la justice qui compte utiliser le dispositif sur des criminels et ainsi divulguer leurs méfaits. Cependant, pendant le premier essai sur un détenu accusé de meurtre, Tom reste piégé, laissant derrière lui son corps inconscient et une femme enceinte. Resté quatre ans coincé dans cet esprit, Tom devra trouver la faille dans le système qu’il a lui-même créé s’il veut retrouver sa vie. Arrivera-t-il à obtenir de l’aide de ce criminel, un héroïnomane sans morale ?.



The story focuses on a special unit of Czech intelligence, known as the Extraktoři (Extractors). The unit operates in secret and its main mission is to ensure the safe return of endangered Czechs from abroad. The story offers insight into the world of espionage and international covert operations and is inspired by true events..

Predators: Moments of Extraction

Predators: Moments of Extraction

Moments of Extraction is an animated short film shows what each character of Predators movie was doing when they were captured by the Predators. Created exclusively for the Blu-ray release of Predators (2010) movie..



Extracts is a short film with images from 1970 to 1972 in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, London, Marrakech, Rabat and the Sahara Desert region. The images were filmed by Helena Ignez and Rogério Sganzerla in exile, in the "leaden years" of the military dictatorship..

Scenes of Extraction

Scenes of Extraction

An archival constellation from the still and moving images of the British Petroleum Archives, documenting the expansive colonial network behind the British geophysical expeditions that spanned across Iran in the early 20th century..

Ballade (Extrait)

Ballade (Extrait)

Folded projection (projection on a flat surface) or unfolded (concave / convex surface). This film is projected normally on a screen inflated by the wind. The viewer can move to either side of the concave / convex screen. When we perceive two images, the mind creates relationships of one to the other. This film plays on this ability of the gaze to build links between elements placed side by side. Filmic elements accumulated for some time took shape, gradually by juxtaposition. Material: two 16mm projectors - curved screen five meters long..