

Evidence sokroflix gratuit



Les inspecteurs Burquez et Reese enquêtent sur 5 meurtres dans une station essence au beau milieu du désert. Les seuls indices à leur disposition sont des enregistrements vidéo récupérés sur les caméras et téléphones portables des victimes. Au fil de l'investigation, il devient évident que l'assassin à laisser sciemment les pièces à conviction pour la police..



Quatre amis partent faire du camping dans les canyons aux alentours de Los Angeles tandis qu'un d'eux filme l'ensemble de leur périple. Sur place, ils sont confrontés à quelque chose d'étrange....

The Evidence, Les Preuves du Crime

The Evidence, Les Preuves du Crime

Personne ne connaît mieux que l'inspecteur Sean Cole l'importance des preuves lors d'une enquête policière. A cause de la destruction accidentelle de l'une d'elles, le meurtre de sa femme n'a jamais été résolu. Ne croyant plus en la Justice de son pays, Cole peut malgré tout compter sur le soutien de son meilleur ami et collègue, Cayman Bishop. Et pour résoudre les crimes les plus complexes de San Francisco, le courage n'est pas de trop....



Lord Cyril Wimborne, a barrister, divorces his wife, Myra, and takes custody of their child, Kenyon, when he finds her name linked with the profligate Major Pollock. Myra goes into seclusion while Pollock, intending to conceal Myra's innocence, goes to Burma. A few years later Myra sees Kenyon in the park with Mrs. Debenham, a widow with designs on Wimborne. Noting the resemblance between the lady in the park (whom he calls his "princess") and a photograph of his mother, Kenyon invites Myra to dinner at a time when his father, who has curtailed the visits to the park, plans to be away. At the same time Harold Courtenay, an old family friend, sees an opportunity to reunite the estranged couple..



Evidence by Caroline Champetier, a director who skilfully illuminates the great filmmakers (Jacques Rivette’s La bande des quatre , Philippe Garrel’s J’entends plus la guitare , Jean-Luc Godard’s Soigne ta droite, and Leos Carax’s Holy Motors ), directs and highlights in a sequence shot, in sumptuous black and white, a pregnant woman in the prosaic ritual of bathing. This "ingenious photographer", according to Agnès Varda, films the obviousness of the body, of gestures and lingers on the little things to take hold of a whole, as in the false triviality of Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Chantal Akerman with whom she also collaborates in Toute une nuit..



In evidence, Julie Tolentino’s naked, moving body articulates backward on her hands and knees, balancing a cluster of Asian medicine cups. The piece, originally made in 2010 in collaboration with Abigail Severance, was remixed for Visual AIDS in 2014. Tolentino's self-made sound piece was added and initiates the video with a queer list of loved ones living and lost, recognizable or not, as both invocation and provocation of individuals who deeply shifted her perspective. As the listed names blur and are archived in Tolentino's body, evidence opens up to the list's potency through a female, brown, artist/activist body in the unseen yet held spaces of relationship, memory, sex and loss. Commissioned by Visual AIDS in 2014 as part of ALTERNATE ENDINGS, a program of seven videos that bring together charged moments and memories from their personal perspective amidst the public history of HIV/AIDS..

Enquête privé

Enquête privé

Les flics Ben Carroll et Ryan Walker, aux modes de vie diamétralement opposés, doivent faire équipe pour résoudre les crimes les plus divers...

Is O.J. Innocent? The Missing Evidence

Is O.J. Innocent? The Missing Evidence

After examining evidence both old and new, the team questions O.J.’s role in the crimes. Was he involved in these murders…or was another person was responsible? Dr. Henry Lee, a forensics expert from the original investigation, discusses the confounding details and problems with the preliminary evidence collection from the crime scene, and what impact that may have had on the trial..



Rebecca, jeune, énergique et séduisante directrice de galerie d'art, est accusée d'avoir utilisé son corps pour le meurtre d'un amant, beaucoup plus vieux et plus riche, dans le but d'hériter de ses biens..

Jesus: The Evidence

Jesus: The Evidence

1984 Channel 4 documentary series surveying the history of New Testament scholarship, giving an overview of the contemporary New Testament scholarship, and finally a tracing of the history of the development of Christianity..

Le Faussaire

Le Faussaire

Postal inspectors investigate a con man who uses the identities of others to falsify credit card purchases. Stealing credit card offers from mail boxes, he obtains cards in others' names, makes many purchases until the card is maxed out, but is always careful to pay minimum balances. According to the story, it is possible for individuals such as this to run many credit cards at a time without being caught..

Strange Evidence

Strange Evidence

Dans Strange Evidence, une équipe d'experts analyse des séquences qui semblent défier l'explication, notamment la lévitation de voitures sur une autoroute, une statue qui semble bouger toute seule et une explosion de flammes spontanée..

Without Evidence

Without Evidence

It is based on the true story of Michael Francke, who was the Head of Corrections for the state of Oregon before being murdered. Just before his murder, Francke visits his brother and informs him of a drug ring involving his prison colleagues. When Michael is killed, his brother begins his own investigation into the murder, leading him to more lies and deceit..