

Everybody's Doing It voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Everybody's Doing It

Everybody's Doing It

Angela and Travis consider having sex for the first time just as their high school starts up an abstinence education program. Making matters worse, a "good girl" collects abstinence pledges from students and blows the whistle on Angela and Travis..

Everybody's Doing It

Everybody's Doing It

No matter which way Albert Thompson turns, he finds everybody inoculated with the love germ. He is a confirmed old bachelor and very much disturbed when he finds the cook, the maid and his typewriter all making love to his chauffeur, the policeman and the clerk. A stroll through the park brings him in contact with young lovers, who are entirely unconscious of his presence. Grace Williams, a mischievous young girl, seeing his disgust, flirts with him and he becomes very much interested in her. After several meetings with her, Cupid shoots his dart into his crusty heart. Thompson proposes to Grace, marries her and becomes the spooniest of old spooners..