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Enzo Ferrari - Le Commandeur

Enzo Ferrari - Le Commandeur

Enzo Anselmo Ferrari, né le 18 février 1898 à Modène (Italie), où il est mort le 14 août 1988, est un pilote automobile et un industriel italien. Fondateur en 1929 de la Scuderia Ferrari, qui allait devenir une pionnière puis un pilier du championnat du monde de Formule 1, il crée en 1947 la firme Ferrari Automobili, qui conçoit, fabrique et commercialise des voitures de sport de très haut-de-gamme. Surnommé « Il Commendatore » (« le commandeur »), Enzo Ferrari consacre sa vie à son entreprise, devenant une figure historique majeure du milieu du sport automobile sur un plan international. Enzo Ferrari a toujours placé la compétition automobile avant la construction industrielle de voitures de route et c’est par la compétition que Ferrari est devenu un des plus fameux créateurs de voitures de prestige au monde..

Enzo Ferrari, le rouge et le noir

Enzo Ferrari, le rouge et le noir

Mythique, la Ferrari rouge incarne le succès et le glamour. Mais avant d’être l’une des voitures les plus convoitées, avec des millions de fans, il y a d’abord Enzo et son rêve d’enfant. Une vie faite de réussites, de performances et de drames successifs. Derrière la légende, qui est vraiment Enzo Ferrari?.

Enzo Ferrari 1898 - 1988

Enzo Ferrari 1898 - 1988

Enzo Ferrari was certainly one of the most powerful names, and probably one of the most powerful and influential men, in motoring history. As a young boy, Enzo dreamt of being an opera singer, a journalist or a racing driver, instead he created one of the most recognised company names in the modern world. During his 50-year reign he rarely left Maranello the spiritual home of his beloved race teams and birthplace of the sports cars against which all others are judged and remained a very private man. This superb racing documentary by acclaimed Formula One producer John Tully reveals the essence of the man and his machines. The story is told from childhood, through 4 decades of racecar development, to a visit by the Pope (in an open top Ferrari Pope-Mobile of course!) shortly before Ferrari s death in 1988. Narrated by Christopher Lee, this is the definitive Ferrari documentary..

Enzo Ferrari and The Historic Race

Enzo Ferrari and The Historic Race

On July 14th, 1951, Enzo Ferrari defied all the odds and won his first Grand Prix defeating arch rival, Alfa Romeo. His machine, the Ferrari 375, had enough performance and power to be competitive. But Ferrari's rookie driver, Froilán González, was up against world champion and legend, Juan Manuel Fangio. Ferrari bet his reputation, and perhaps his future as a car manufacturer, on a strategy he considered a secret weapon - his car should need less fuel to make it through the race than that of his nemesis. If he's right, Ferrari could win the race and make a name for himself. If he's wrong, it could be another humiliating and devastating defeat. This programme reveals the full story of Enzo's career, from his early days as a racing driver to quitting Alfa Romeo and establishing his own company, Scuderia Ferrari, the tragic loss of his son Dino and, ultimately, the incredible scenes of his first Formula One victory..



Au cours de l'été 1957, Enzo Ferrari, ancien pilote automobile, est en crise. La faillite guette l'entreprise que lui et sa femme, Laura, ont créée à partir de rien dix ans plus tôt. Leur mariage tumultueux doit faire face au deuil d'un fils et à la reconnaissance d'un autre. Pour tenter d'assurer leur survie, il jette les dés sur une course - 1 000 miles à travers l'Italie, l'emblématique Mille Miglia..