

Elysium voirfilms



En 2154, il existe deux catégories de personnes : ceux très riches, qui vivent sur la parfaite station spatiale crée par les hommes appelée Elysium, et les autres, ceux qui vivent sur la Terre devenue surpeuplée et ruinée. La population de la Terre tente désespérément d'échapper aux crimes et à la pauvreté qui ne cessent de se propager. Max, un homme ordinaire pour qui rejoindre Elysium est plus que vital, est la seule personne ayant une chance de rétablir l'égalité entre ces deux mondes. Alors que sa vie ne tient plus qu'à un fil, il hésite à prendre part à cette mission des plus dangereuses - s'élever contre la Secrétaire Delacourt et ses forces armées - mais s'il réussit, il pourra sauver non seulement sa vie mais aussi celle de millions de personnes sur Terre..



En 2113, la Terre, paisible, est envahie par une autre planète appelée Elysium. Quatre guerriers ont le destin de la race humaine entre leurs mains. Van, Christopher, Paul et Nyx devront préserver la paix sur la terre..



Film about the Holocaust. A Jewish family is allowed to keep the flat they have always lived in and to live a relatively normal life. One day their 10-year old son disappears. He has been sent to a deportation camp which seems like paradise except that the inmates are being used for medical experiments..



Detached from time and space, a man loses himself in the underwater world of his bathroom. He is haunted by the stereotypical image of the female muse. Overwhelmed by his misunderstood patriarchy, his world goes up in flames and he discovers a new access to sexuality within himself. He decides to leave his dream world to create a new one..

Disco Elysium: Battle Behind the Stage

Disco Elysium: Battle Behind the Stage

The video game Disco Elysium was released in 2019. Great sales, prestigious awards — it was a resounding success. The main character of the documentary "Disco Elysium: the battle behind the scene", a gamer, wants to meet with the creators of the game. However, gradually an unexpected truth about his favorite game opens up to him….

Elysium Hernalsiense

Elysium Hernalsiense

A man in a permanent vegetative state is lying at the ‘Hernals Hospital of Eternal Life’ (formerly known as Etablissement Gschwandner, soon to reopen as REAKTOR, Geblergasse, Vienna’s 17th District), reliving in his dreams the events that led to his hospitalisation. His wife certainly had a hand in it. A few years back she disappeared from his life without trace, without explanation. Shortly before he was admitted to hospital she reappeared at his medical practice, accompanied by a child he wished was his own. In his waking dreams, realities and memories of his hopes and dreams blend with dreams of realities without hopes..

The Road to Elysium

The Road to Elysium

Srey Na, a female immigrant from Cambodia, who killed her Korean husband in self-defense, is released on a special pardon for being a model prisoner. On the day she is supposed to be extradited to her home country, she escapes from the airport and heads to a temple in Haenam to meet someone hiding there..