

Election 1 sokroflix gratuit

Election 1

Election 1

Les grandes figures de la Wo Shing Society, la plus ancienne triade de Hong Kong, s'apprêtent à élire un nouveau leader. Des rivalités naissent entre deux candidats. L'un est très lié aux traditions de la Triade, l'autre veut les bouleverser, quitte à utiliser la violence et la fraude..

California Election News No. 1

California Election News No. 1

The "Inquiring Cameraman" conducts "man-on-the-street" interviews with Californians prior to the gubernatorial election of November 6, 1934. Voters state their opinions on candidates Upton Sinclair, Frank Merriam, and Raymond L. Haight..

Ball of Confusion: The 1968 Election

Ball of Confusion: The 1968 Election

A project of the UVA Center for Politics and Community Idea Stations, "Ball of Confusion" is a one-hour documentary that examines the 1968 presidential contest in the context of a difficult and contentious year in American history. The assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, racial unrest, nationwide riots, and a continuing war in Vietnam put the nation on edge and produced a historic three-way presidential election. Through archival footage and compelling interviews, the film shows how the election was influenced by the fractures in the United States' social and political foundations, leaving deep scars that would affect generations to come..

Election 18

Election 18

Broadcast 100 years on from the 1918 election, Election 18 will be hubbed by the well known political journalist and TV presenter David McCullagh, supported by Co-presenter journalist Sinead O'Carroll..

Election Campaign 1932 (Last Election)

Election Campaign 1932 (Last Election)

Ella Bergmann-Michel aborted her last film "Wahlkampf 1932 (Letzte Wahl)" about the election campaign in Frankfurt because of political reasons. During the shooting of the film Bergmann-Michel was arrested und parts of the films were destroyed. The film only exists as a fragment..

Feeling Good About America: The 1976 Presidential Election

Feeling Good About America: The 1976 Presidential Election

Explores the presidential race between incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford and Democratic candidate and Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, who stepped onto the national stage touting his outsider status. Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon, the anti-establishment mood surging through the country, Carter's primary strategy and the challenge to Ford by Ronald Reagan are discussed..

American Nightmare 3 : Élections

American Nightmare 3 : Élections

Une sénatrice américaine se lance dans la course à l'élection présidentielle en proposant l'arrêt total de la Purge annuelle. Ses opposants profitent alors d'une nouvelle édition de cette journée où tous les crimes sont permis pour la traquer et la tuer....