

El nombre streaming vf complet gratuit

El nombre

El nombre

Santiago leaves a small town jail and, finding no job, gets involved in a robbery that goes wrong, ending up committing a crime. Desperate, runs away and hides in a big city using a random fake name, in search for a second chance. However, that name is the same of another man also hiding a dark secret. Completely made with still photos, The Name explores memory, individual responsibility and the chance to start over..

El Nombre

El Nombre

El Nombre was an anthropomorphic Mexican gerbil, originally from a series of educational sketches on Numbertime, the BBC schools programme about mathematics; he was also the only individual to appear in all sixty-eight episodes, as its original host, Lolita Chakrabarti, was relieved of her position after the end of the fourth series in 1996. His voice was provided by Steve Steen, while the other characters' voices were provided by Sophie Aldred, Kate Robbins, and former Blue Peter host Janet Ellis - and his name actually means "The Name" in Spanish, not "The Number", which would be "El Número"..

Les enfants d'Abraham

Les enfants d'Abraham

Après le suicide de son père bien-aimé, le biologiste Daniella Logan rend visite à sa mère catatonique dans un établissement psychiatrique pour raconter l'événement tragique et sa mère appelle son "Joséphine". Daniella se rend au cimetière et constate que la tombe de son père avait été ouverte et son corps a été profané. Elle décide d'enquêter, et reçoit un message d'un prêtre diabétique, le Père Elias, qui lui raconte une ancienne secte fanatique religieux des adeptes d'Abraham qui tue le premier enfant. Plus tard, elle rencontre un homme étrange, Toby Harris, qui prétend être son père légitime. Daniella continue de rechercher la vérité sur ses origines et divulgue des secrets très sombres sur sa famille et ses amis..



In a hostile medieval world dominated by the Great Master Agragon, a fortune soldier, the Nameless Warrior, tries to change his life and start again after many years of violence and disputes. When, discouraged and disarmed by Agragon's betrayal, gets the assignment to custody some smugglers to the remote Great Prairi, he can't yet imagine he is about to decide his destiny and of the whole world who waits anxious the arrival of great change. Dark monks, hidden spots and a gallery of unforgettable characters in an epic of impressive dimensions..

I Named You in Silence

I Named You in Silence

The Rastreadoras de El Fuerte are a group of mothers of disappeared persons in northern Sinaloa who, in the absence of the authorities, twice a week go out with picks and shovels in search of the remains of their children; a testimony of the abandonment of the State, the aggressions of the drug traffickers, the indifference of society and the pain, but also of the strength and courage that keep these women together, and of their empowerment to mobilize society in community organization..

In the Name of the Girl

In the Name of the Girl

En el Nombre de la Hija tells the story of a nine-year old girl whose name is in dispute. Manuela has been named alter her socialist-atheist father, but her catholic-conservative grandmother insists she should carry the name the first daughters of the family have carried for generations: Dolores. The story takes place in a Valley in the Ecuadorian Andes, during the summer of 1976. Manuela and her little brother, Camilo, are spending vacations with their cousins and grandparents at the family's farmhouse. Eager to defend her father's ideas, Manuela confronts her cousins and grandparents, but an unexpected encounter leads her to confront herself instead. Hidden in the family's abandoned library, schizophrenic uncle Felipe is devoted to setting words free from the constraints of dogmas. His wisdom sets Manuela free from her own dogmas and forever changes her relationship with words, including her own name..

The Pearl Can Be Someone's Name

The Pearl Can Be Someone's Name

Three teenagers in a loving relationship are united by the same secret. Through the stories of the people from the town where they live, we begin to learn more about these young people and their secret, which seems to be getting bigger and bigger..

En el nombre del hijo

En el nombre del hijo

The incestuous relationship between Bobby, a doll repairer confused about his sexual identity and his overprotecting mother that abuses him while she, in turn, seeks to relive the days of her youth. They bathe together, sleep together and engage in sexual intercourse as well. In turn, she is jealous of his suggestive relationship with his customers, mostly little girls..

En el nombre del litio

En el nombre del litio

It is a documentary about the struggle of the original communities of northern Argentina to prevent their salt flats, where one of the largest lithium reserves in the world are found, from becoming a “sacrifice zone” to reduce global warming..

El nombre de las plantas

El nombre de las plantas

A botanical expedition in Ecuador's Amazon becomes a medium for an indigenous Huaorani community to remember the genocidal colonization it suffered in the 1960s. Meanwhile, a group of ecologists from the capital tries to stop oil exploitation in the last remaining forests where the isolated Huaoranis still live, who to this day refuse to come into contact with civilization..

The Name of Things

The Name of Things

Told in a whisper, this quiet and diaristic film explores toxic masculinity through personal narrative, family legacy, and video games. El nombre de las cosas speaks aloud the unspoken and unspeakable, to give a name to traumas in order to heal them. Deeply poetic and disarmingly honest, director Diego Escobar uses his own story to address a widespread problem of inherited male aggression and all the ways families – and society – cope with and adapt to its toxicity..