

El Dorado streaming vf complet gratuit

El Dorado

El Dorado

En arrivant à El Dorado, l'aventurier Cole Thornton retrouve un ancien ami, J.P. Harrah, qui est aujourd'hui le shérif de la ville. Engagé par un propriétaire terrien, Thornton renonce à sa mission quand Harrah lui apprend qu'elle a pour but de chasser les McDonald de leurs terres....

El Dorado, la cité d'or

El Dorado, la cité d'or

Partie 1 : Le temple du soleil L'archéologue Jack Wilder découvre une ancienne prophétie Inca permettant de localiser la légendaire cité d'or, El Dorado. - Partie 2 : La cité d'or Jack et Maria, poursuivis par un groupe de soldats, s'enfoncent dans la jungle péruvienne en quête d'El Dorado..

El Dorado

El Dorado

1560, à Santa Cruz, au Pérou. Une expédition de quatre cents personnes, commanditée par Philippe II, part à la recherche du pays de l'or, «El Dorado», en remontant le fleuve Amazone. L'expédition poursuit en fait deux buts : enrichir le royaume, d'une part, annexer de nouvelles terres, d'autre part....

Shakira In Concert - El Dorado World Tour

Shakira In Concert - El Dorado World Tour

Shakira In Concert: El Dorado World Tour est le film du concert de sa tournée dans 22 pays rassemblant plus d’un million de fans à travers le monde. Elle y interprète des tubes récents tels que Chantaje et La Bicicleta, ainsi que des succès de son répertoire de plus de 20 ans, dont Hips Don't Lie, Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) et Estoy Aqui. À travers des témoignages de l’artiste, il révèle aussi les sacrifices qu’il faut faire pour présenter le spectacle d’une carrière suite au drame du report de toute sa tournée à cause d’une blessure aux cordes vocales..

La Route d'Eldorado

La Route d'Eldorado

1519. Les Espagnols ne rêvent que d'une chose : atteindre l'Eldorado, légendaire contrée aux mille richesses située quelque part en Amérique du Sud. Tulio et Miguel, deux sympathiques fripouilles, décident de tenter l'aventure et traversent l'océan à bord d'une frêle embarcation. Après avoir chaviré, les deux amis atteignent une ile inconnue. Ils découvrent très vite qu'ils ont atteint l'Eldorado. La population locale les prend pour des dieux et les honore comme tels. Mais la fortune et le pouvoir ne vont-ils pas avoir raison de l'amitié qui les lie ?.

El Dorado

El Dorado

The supposed existence of a golden kingdom motivated numerous expeditions, and the belief remained in force until the 19th century, although its location moved from Colombia to the Guianas, as the process of conquest and colonization of the South American territory progressed. A journey and a drift from extractive colonialism that is far from over..

Robin Hood of El Dorado

Robin Hood of El Dorado

In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him..

Bandits of El Dorado

Bandits of El Dorado

Wanted outlaws have mysteriously disappeared. Ranger Captain Henley and Steve have a plan to find them. Steve becomes a wanted man by faking the killing of Henley. Not only is he now in trouble as both the Rangers and the Mexican Rurales are after him, but Smiley knows him and may expose his masquerade to the bad guys..

Tibetan El Dorado

Tibetan El Dorado

Half animal, half vegetable, the Cordyceps Sinensis is a unique combination of a caterpillar and a wild mushroom that grows at 13,000 feet on the high plateaus of Tibet. Renowned for its stimulating effects on the immune system, and also known as the "Viagra of the Himalayas," it has become the new El Dorado in the Chinese economy. With about a quarter of the world's population, both East and West, currently taking Chinese medicinal herbs, the market for Cordyceps is enormous..

El Dorado Pass

El Dorado Pass

Charles Starrett returns as The Durango Kid in Columbia's El Dorado Pass. It all begins when Durango, in his everyday guise of Steve Clanton, is falsely accused of robbing a stagecoach. The genuine criminal is not only a thief but a coin collector, searching for a valuable specimen by staging holdups..

El Dorado

El Dorado

Sherman, who is on trial for murder, is found not guilty thanks to reasonable doubt, however; having stood trial leaves the young felon a changed man. He falls head over heels with his defence attorney’s bright daughter and is even willing to turn his back on a life of crime for her, including walking away from his long-time partner, Jaffan prostitute, Margot. However, the road back to the straight and narrow is not an easy one and indeed, many around hm are wary of this so-called, newly-reformed Sherman..

El Dorado

El Dorado

Different eras and geographical locations have their own dreamscapes. Here, however, the mythical El Dorado is a mining site. Tambek does not simply document miners’ lives, but creates an image of a secluded universe far away from social norms, one that engenders a unified space between reality and dream..