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El último viaje

El último viaje

Commissioner Mendoza must join forces with the honorable civil guard, to stop the activities of a network of drug traffickers with international contacts that intend to act in Spain..

The Last Trip

The Last Trip

Victoria's life is about to change when she is reunited with her brother after many years for a trip with the purpose of visiting their father who abandoned them when they were children. Living together is not easy, the anger and resentment will make them live an experience they will never forget..

Last trip: Let's meet Carlos

Last trip: Let's meet Carlos

On Friday the 13th a group of friends plans a party; However, they can't imagine how their night will end. After they decide to try LSD together for the first time, things start to get out of their control..

Gone Missing -  Old John's Final Journey

Gone Missing - Old John's Final Journey

A non-fiction film about three friends seeking traces of an old "gringo" who went to die in the jungle of Guatemala. Starting out from the guesthouse in Mexico City where he was seen for the last time, we follow his journey south. New characters appear along the way, people he could have known who share their visions of life and death. The search takes on a life of its own, and leads us deeper into the unknown....

The Last Right

The Last Right

Daniel Murphy is lumbered with a corpse that has the same last name as his, who dies on his flight from Boston to County Cork. Travelling back to Ireland to attend his mother’s funeral, Daniel also checks on his autistic brother. What follows is an unconventional road trip with his brother and the mortuary assistant as they take the coffin from Clonakilty to Rathlin Island..

Le Dernier Voyage du Demeter

Le Dernier Voyage du Demeter

Le navire de commerce Demeter quitte la Transylvanie pour un long voyage vers Londres, avec à son bord une mystérieuse cargaison. D'étranges événements vont alors survenir et décimer peu à peu les membres d'équipage. Les survivants vont tenter de survivre à une présence qui sévit chaque nuit sur le Demeter..

Panique à bord

Panique à bord

« Le Claridon » est un paquebot luxueux qui effectue son dernier trajet dans l'océan Pacifique. Mais une explosion venant d'une chaufferie détruit la salle des machines et plusieurs cabines. Cliff Henderson doit sauver sa femme et sa fille piégées dans la cabine mais suite à un problème, l'eau s'engouffre de toute part..

End Trip

End Trip

Brandon, chauffeur de covoiturage, offre une oreille attentive à un client qu'il prend en charge, ouvrant un dialogue sur sa vie personnelle. Mais à quel point est-il trop proche ?.

Tutankhamun: The Last Exhibition

Tutankhamun: The Last Exhibition

To mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922, this documentary offers, for the first time ever, an extraordinary opportunity to meet the Pharoah , and relive those unique moments on the big screen following exclusive coverage of how 150 items from among his treasures, were moved to become part of the biggest international exhibition ever dedicated to the Golden Boy. Tutankhamun is a name that has become part of the collective imagination worldwide. Few people, however, associate his celebrity status with a combination of unique events and the stubbornness of the British archaeologist who discovered the tomb. This documentary film retraces this incredible story and offers exclusive access to some of the places which continue to pulsate with its history. “Please watch them, before they return back to Egypt forever”, said Mostafa Waziry, secretary general of the Egyptian Ministry of State for Antiquities..

Columbus The Lost Voyage

Columbus The Lost Voyage

Columbus' 4th voyage has been a total failure: he has not found the westward passage, he has no gold to show, he has lost men and ships and his efforts to build a colony have fallen through. The monarchs of Spain are not going to restore the rights and privileges which were taken away from Columbus after the first voyage. And Columbus will be shamed. Many of his sailors who have survived, can't face the journey home. They will choose to remain on Hispaniola or neighbouring Puerto Rico..