

Drowned sokroflix gratuit



A struggling playwright meets an aspiring fashion student the day before he leaves Los Angeles to start a new life in New York. The two form an immediate connection and spend the day exploring downtown Los Angeles together, while wrestling with many of their deepest issues about trust, intimacy, and their place in the world..



Aging Sarah goes to the beach every day waiting to be rescued from her lonely life and discovers that hope is the last thing to go under..

The Drowned Man

The Drowned Man

What happens when a ghost decides to wreak havoc on your home? Who do you turn to? Who do you call? Or do you try to fight back? Find out what happens when this poor, unfortunate soul's house becomes haunted by a watery demon..

Madonna: Drowned World Tour 2001

Madonna: Drowned World Tour 2001

Drowned World Tour est la cinquième tournée de la chanteuse américaine Madonna, soutenant son septième et huitième album Ray Of Light (1998) et Music (2000). C'est également sa première tournée après 8 ans d'absence, suivant le Girlie Show World Tour en 1993..

The Drowned

The Drowned

A lone survivor wakes up on a rocky, empty coastline. With a mysterious orb guiding her, she searches the landscape for food and shelter, looking for signs of civilisation, people, anything. Finding only the crumbling remains of buildings long deserted, she becomes increasingly fearful of the reality of her situation, and when the orbs' final destination is revealed, she must come to terms with a fundamentally changed world..

Ben Hanlin's Live & Deadly: Drowned

Ben Hanlin's Live & Deadly: Drowned

Presented by Vick Hope, this 90-minute spooky, LIVE Halloween special tells the story of a scary escapology stunt. Filmed live on TV, Ben Hanlin and Joey Essex are chained up in spooky underground chamber, which is then completely flooded. How long can they hold their breath? Will they make it out alive? Be prepared for some creepy magic and scary moments!.

Brokopondo: Stories of a Drowned Land

Brokopondo: Stories of a Drowned Land

The construction of the Brokopondo dam and hydro-electric plant in the 1960s gave an important boost to the economy of Surinam, a former Dutch colony. However it also caused the flooding of lands and villages of 5,000 Saramaccan Maroons. In 1994 filmmaker John Albert Jansen returned to the site of devastation, together with Surinam writer Dorus Vrede who was born in one of the drowned villages. In the documentary Brokopondo: Stories of a Drowned Land Jansen traces the origins of the Brokopondo project, the benefits to the economy of Surinam and the consequences of transmigration for the Maroon people, who after having lived a secluded life in the area since the eighteenth century, were forced to leave their traditional lands. Their rich hunting ground now at the bottom of Afobaka Lake. The building of the Brokopondo dam and the forced departure of the Saramaccan people is a powerful example of a clash between economic and cultural systems..

Hurricane Katrina: The Storm That Drowned a City

Hurricane Katrina: The Storm That Drowned a City

This arresting installment of "Nova" delivers a minute-by-minute account of Hurricane Katrina's destruction. Viewers will learn what made Katrina so lethal and why the event caused unparalleled devastation. The program presents riveting eyewitness reports about what occurred during the storm -- which was powerful in the face of planning and a sophisticated flood-protection system -- and state-of-the-art graphic imagery..

Drowned World

Drowned World

Drowned World reflects on the experience of not being able to see the world with depth perception. In the work, two neurologists describe losing and gaining the ability to experience the world in 3D, while their perceptual state is animated by images of optically altered landscapes. Filmed in the high desert of West Texas, the video moves through several carefully managed landscapes of water use and experience: an industrial tomato farm, a water well drilling site, a “natural” spring, a snowstorm, and an artist’s studio..

Drowned City

Drowned City

Drowned City is a documentary film about the people who devote themselves to pirate radio in London. The film takes a journey with today's youth who spend their days and nights transmitting from tower blocks and warehouses; with nostalgic, experienced ex-pirates who have lost their battles with Ofcom and paid the price; and with mainstream stars who owe their fame and fortune today to their early start in pirate radio. Through unprecedented access to the secret lives of pirates, we are offered the opportunity to ask why these individuals take such enormous risks for illegal broadcasting. The stories told by key characters provide insight into the poignant affect pirate radio has had on their lives..

Drowned Out

Drowned Out

An Indian family decide to stay at home and drown rather than make way for the Narmada dam Three choices. Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a resettlement site or stay at home and drown. The people of Jalsindhi in central India must make a decision fast..

Sorry I Drowned

Sorry I Drowned

Inspired by a letter apparently found on the body of a drowning victim in the Mediterranean Sea, this animation addresses the reality of the millions fleeing wars and political persecution. Although we are unable to learn the truth about who wrote the letter, we know that what it describes is real. This reality can’t continue..

Drowning Echo

Drowning Echo

During a visit to friends, Sara begins having visions and is attacked by an unearthly creature in her friend’s swimming pool; she soon discovers that anyone who comes into contact with the water is in danger and she is driven to confront the mystical and malevolent creature lurking in the depths.

Drowning Love

Drowning Love

Natsume (Komatsu Nana), jeune fille populaire et un brin superficielle, quitte Tokyo ainsi que son travail de jeune mannequin pour suivre ses parents à la campagne. D’abord déprimée, elle finit par faire la connaissance de Kôichiro (Suda Masaki), un garçon envoûtant qu’entoure une aura de mystères. A son contact, elle commence à prendre conscience de sa propre singularité. Débute alors une étrange parade, mêlant séduction et domination, entre ces deux êtres à fleur de peau….

Drowned Rat

Drowned Rat

A sequel to Bertie Gilbert’s first film, “Stray Dog,” explores growing up— how much and how little things change— and time travel..