

Dreamland streaming vf complet gratuit



Eugene Evans, 15 ans, a juré de sauver l'exploitation de ses parents détruite par des tempêtes de poussière en capturant une braqueuse de banques en cavale dont la tête est mise à prix..



Dans la ville de Margate, Trish, la sœur aînée, est enceinte et attend une fille. Ses sœurs Clare et Leila l'entourent de leur maman. Mais l'autre sœur, Mel, fait un retour inattendu qui menace de déstabiliser toute la famille..



Comment inciter la jeunesse à garder ses rêves et les réaliser ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous partons en voyage à la rencontre des jeunes du monde entier. Ils nous parleront d’eux, de leurs expériences, de ce qui les a construit mais aussi et surtout de leurs rêves, de leur avenir et de celui de leur pays. Oui, il est encore possible de rêver. Et bien souvent, les rêveurs deviennent les bâtisseurs du monde de demain..



Dans une communauté retirée du désert du Nouveau-Mexique, le temps s’écoule lentement. Audrey partage son temps entre son père souffrant d’agoraphobie, et sa meilleure amie Calista. L’été voit ce monde bouleversé avec l’arrivée de nouveaux voisins et de leur fils. Les tensions, jadis latentes, ne vont pas tarder à éclater, plaçant Audrey au coeur de la tempête. Un film sur la face cachée de l’adolescence, une histoire intemporelle..



On the night of the strangest wedding in cinema history, a grotesque gang boss hires a stonecold killer to bring him the finger of a fading, drug-addicted jazz legend..



Tokyo, late 1950s. A man is investigating the strange suicide of Christophe, his friend and colleague from the University. His research drives him to wander at night, in a city with a suffocating atmosphere and full of mysteries..



In the Nevada mountains between Las Vegas and Reno in the desolate nuclear testing grounds of Dreamland (Area 51), a young couple Megan and Dylan stop in a greasy spoon cafe where they learn about the Area 51 government base a few miles away. After they get back on the road, Dylan turns on the radio. The only broadcast he can find is a speech from Adolf Hitler at the 1936 Olympic Games. The car dies and a visitor appears from another moment in time. When Megan and Dylan look closely they realize that it is Hitler from the past..



Filmmaker and journalist Bruce Burgess (Broken Dagger) goes deep into the heart of the greatest secret of the 20th century: Area 51, or "Dreamland," in this award-winning documentary. Along with his camera crew, Burgess sets out to uncover the truth of what is really goin on in the most secret military base in the world. Originally a skeptic, Burgess was converted, and now he presents his findings here. Footage of UFOs performing impossible maneuvers under over of darkness. Multiple aircrafts flying over the base are only the beginning of this account of what goes on in a base that is roughly the size of Switzerland. Learn about the unexplained deaths of Area 51 workers, government-funded Black Projects, abductions, and the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology. Dreamland goes beyond the perimeter wire, through the fields of motion sensors, past the armed patrols, jet fighters, and attack helicopters to uncover the truth of the greatest secret yet to be exposed..



Simple rectilinear figures assemble into surprisingly complex “cities” that pulse along to Scarlatti Goes Electro’s hyperkinetic score..



California has long been known as a land of dreams - a place where visionaries come to innovate, create, entertain, fulfil their dreams and change the world. Dreamland tells the story of one day in the lives of a group of Californians who are pushing the bounds of the possible. They are entrepreneurs, daredevils, entertainers, scientists, politicians, chefs, and technologists..



Thomas, a photographer from France, goes to Japan to take pictures of abandoned places. Lonely, he meets Natsuki, a young and beautiful woman, who will become his model. But Thomas has violent panic attacks and nightmares....



A meaningful journey into the Italian cultural heritage throughout musical quotes from Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca, lithographies by Giovan Battista Piranesi and lines by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Dreamland will bring the audience to some of the most beautiful Italian UNESCO sites: Villa d’Este and Villa Adriana in Tivoli, the historic centre of Rome with the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, Piazza Navona, Castel Sant’Angelo and much more. Passing through the depths of the Tiber, it will arrive also in the most peripheral areas of the city to find out still so much beauty and so many stories about the contemporaneity in a visual and musical journey so evocative as to reveal the Italian cultural identity..



Dan Freeman an obsessive UFO Hunter roams the Nevada desert around AREA 51 searching the skies for contact, but alone in the desert he awakens to a deeper mystery..



Accented by collaged radio audio fog of alien invasion paranoia, oneiric images from Serbia fuse with the Canadian Shield of northern Quebec. Dreamland is a conjuring of spectres through hypnotic frequencies; a journey through alien landscapes and brutalist dreams..



Small-town gangsters and ambitious young girls meet in "Dreamland", where they exchange nervous kisses and green banknotes..



Las Vegas — to many it's a 24-hour fantasy world filled with showgirls, high rollers and outrageous theme hotels. With a roll of the dice, 75 year-old Lou stakes everything to retire and start a new life there. But beneath the glittering surface of the city, Lou discovers a world quite different from his dreams. This compassionate portrait follows Lou and several other residents over a two-year period, documenting a community living in the shadow of the Las Vegas strip, where gambling is a constant temptation and reality is more subtle and stirring than any game..