

Downhill voirfilms



Échappant à peine à une avalanche pendant des vacances de ski en famille dans les Alpes, un couple marié est plongé dans le désarroi alors qu'il est contraint de réévaluer sa vie et ses sentiments les uns envers les autres..

C'est la vie...

C'est la vie...

Un jeune étudiant, injustement accusé du vol commis par un de ses amis, préfère la honte du renvoi à une dénonciation. Rejeté par sa famille, il est du même coup déclassé et mis à l’épreuve de la vie et de la misère..



Joe est une star des compétitions de moto. Son meilleur ami se tue dans un accident lors d’une course et il accepte de revenir au Chili pour une exposition. Avec sa petite amie Stephanie, ils tombent sur un homme grièvement blessé mourant d'un mystérieux virus. C’est le début d'une très mauvaise journée pour eux car ils deviennent les cibles de tueurs implacables prêts à tout pour éviter que leur secret ne franchisse les montagnes où ils sont établis..



Four old school friends reunite to attempt the epic coast to coast walk, across the United Kingdom. As their journey unfolds, this comically incompatible foursome walk full tilt into their mid-life crises..



Four plagued neighbors resort to self destruction when their decaying apartment intends to drag its residents down with it..

La Descente infernale

La Descente infernale

Pour remplacer son champion qui vient de se casser la jambe, l'entraineur de l'équipe américaine de ski alpin, Eugène Clair, propose Brian pour former l'équipe olympique de ski. Mais un jeune fermier du Colorado semble avoir un avenir prometteur, David Chappellet. Clair lui donne sa chance. Mais lors de sa première course internationale, David refuse de prendre le départ, et crée un conflit dans l'équipe..

Ride - Downhill

Ride - Downhill

Kyle and Max are two extreme sports athletes, two riders in continuous challenge and search for money. When they find out of the enigmatic proposal for a mysterious contest by an unknown organization, Black Babylon, they can’t turn down the $ 150,000 prize. But the “contest” will turn out to be much darker and deadlier than expected..

Downhill Willie

Downhill Willie

Willie is a young man who has everything that he wants. He lives on a mountain, goes skiing whenever he wants and has a simple job working for an old man. But when the old man’s business is threatened, Willie signs up for the first Kamikaze run, a downhill skiing race where only the very best and craziest person will win. And Willie is a little bit crazy, only he doesn’t know it or care. In the competition, he meets a young woman named Annie, whom he falls a little bit in love with, but Willie also needs to fend off the schemes of Spider Bolton, a man who will do whatever it takes to win..

Downhill City

Downhill City

A handful of disparate people in Berlin are drawn to the same residential hotel in the drama Downhill City. Finnish musician Artsi heads to Berlin in hopes of hitting the big time; needing a place to stay, he takes a room at the Downhill City Hotel and ties to find a market for his music. Meanwhile, another Downhill Hotel resident, aspiring author Fabien, meets a former convict named Sascha who has nowhere to stay and offers to take him in. Peggy, who works at a fast-food restaurant, is unhappy with her boyfriend Hans and finally kicks him out. Peggy meets Artsi when he stops by the burger stand one day, while Hans (who ends up crashing with Sascha and Fabien) starts a new relationship of his own with Doris..

Neville Shah Going Downhill

Neville Shah Going Downhill

In this show, Neville narrates stories about his struggles with his age, bring orphaned, adulthood, death, depression, divorce and suicide. This isn't the only thing that doesn't make it a regular stand up special, it's also that he's doing sitting down. He treats his audience like is therapist and pretty much leaves them bereft of hope but bloated with laughter. It's dark, it's poignant, it's melancholic but it's hilarious. Considered one of the comics with the darkest material in India, Neville doesn't disappoint. The topics he deals with are narrated anecdotally, making them approachable. He doesn't make fun of them; he makes fun about them. Afflictions, vulnerabilities and flaws are a part of human beings and Neville takes his feelings about them, analyses and then presents them. It's a perspective of someone who is going through them. And you see him crumble and rise with each story, you can also see him going downhill..

Downhill Urbano

Downhill Urbano

Although you may not know it, urban downhill mountain bike racing has been captivating crowds for years. The gravity discipline takes place in a variety of wild courses in Europe and South America, and the sport is going strong in 2022..

Downhill Motion

Downhill Motion

Downhill Motion documents the spirit and soul of skateboarding like no other film in history. This underground classic takes you back to Huntington Beach, California in 1975 with the founders of the world of skateboarding. Watch Bob Neishi and many others bring life to the sidewalks of Southern California with 55 mph barefoot speed runs, solid 360s, and a soulful downhill motion..



On a sunny day in September, she marches down the hill of a Mediterranean island. He is driving down the road with his old car and picks her up. As they drive downhill, the missing pieces of the story unravel, and the news that so much upset her is revealed. One thing is for sure, whatever happened earlier, no one should find out. The story of a mother trying to come to terms with the admission of her son's sexuality in an island community that is taking the first step toward the recognition of same-sex relationships..



Henry Forero, a boy of only twelve born in a pop district of Bogotá, is the new global transportation visionary, but Henry’s revolution will be more powerful and more striking: thanks to him Colombian cars will reach the whole world. Henry is a child who teaches that sometimes in life in order to get to the top you have to go downhill..