

Dot voir films streaming gratuit sans compte



8-year-old Dot is a ball of energy who launches herself into adventures and fearlessly sets about solving problems (which she most likely created herself) in the same way any 8-year-old would... by messing up a lot and laughing even more..

DOTA : Dragon's Blood

DOTA : Dragon's Blood

Une série d'animation fantastique inspirée du jeu en ligne où un Chevalier Dragon troublé, mais plein de bravoure, est déterminé à se débarrasser d'un démoniaque fléau..



Acting : Dot
popularity : 0.155
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dot en streaming gratuit.



University of California Berkeley professor Daniel Fletcher built a portable microscope which attaches to the Nokia N8 phone, for medical purposes. Nokia asked Aardman Animations to utilise both the microscope and the phone to create a short.[2] The entire film is shot using a Nokia N8..



Three people living in a burned out building after an undetermined holocaust has taken place take in an odd creature from outer space, who is apparently on the run from government sources..



A comedy that follows nine months in the life of, an Internet startup company. A social satire and sly comedy of manners unfolds through "behind-the-scenes footage" of day-to-day life and interviews with the company's founders and employees about their personal and professional dramas..



Dot is the story of a couple seeking fertility treatment and how they're each affected by the strange, wondrous, and often gross process of making babies through science..



A comedy that follows nine months in the life of, an Internet startup company. A social satire and sly comedy of manners unfolds through "behind-the-scenes footage" of day-to-day life and interviews with the company's founders and employees about their personal and professional dramas..



On the day of her daughter's seventh birthday party, Trish discovers her mother, has been skipping her medications again. When she fails to show at the party, Trish must confront her own unrealistic expectations, her mother’s unraveling episode, and a slew of bewildered bystanders - all to keep her family safe before it's too late..



In the not-too-distant future, loneliness is rampant in the modern lifestyle: humans have become hunched over technological devices and their field of vision has shrunk to digital screens. A man leading a monotonous life happens to notice that nature still exists..



The story of a wide-eyed girl with a big imagination. A challenge from her sworn enemy, Bernard Amadeus Ripley, Jr., leads to a flying machine competition that doesn't exactly go as planned..



What should we do in life? Follow in your parent's footsteps or go with the flow? Do what you are expected to do or do what you want? This is about those and those who still have doubts. Even if you are a dot on a sheet of paper, you can be someone bigger..

Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora

Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora

Les dirigeants d'une multinationale pétrochimique font appel au docteur Jekyll pour une campagne mondiale, destinée à prôner un chewing-gum qui va propager la maladie. Compromettre le fils de la reine d'Angleterre serait un bon moyen pour obliger Sa Gracieuse Majesté à faire de la publicité télévisée pour la gomme en question. Mais l'ancêtre de Jekyll, le grand-père Hyde, veille..

Aïe ! Toubib ne coupez pas...

Aïe ! Toubib ne coupez pas...

Une jeune doctoresse pleine d'avenir s'installe dans un village de Sicile. Sensibles aux attraits de la jeune femme, les hommes du crû sont prêts à tout pour passer un moment avec elle. Libérée et très disponible, la doctoresse sème bientôt le trouble dans le village, provoquant la jalousie des autres femmes... La fièvre monte chez les patients et c'est plutôt bon signe..