

Domingo streaming vf complet gratuit



Au sud du Brésil, Laura, matriarche d’une famille de la haute bourgeoisie, retrouve les siens dans leur maison de campagne, pour un repas dominical. Mais en ce jour d’investiture du président Lula, rien ne se passe comme prévu. Comme en écho à ce séisme politique, tout semble se dérégler dans la propriété : les domestiques renâclent, la maison se délabre à vue d’œil, et les névroses et secrets de trois générations menacent de tout emporter..



Domingo est un journaliste sportif passionné. Il commente les matches de football qui ont lieu sur le terrain de son quartier, jusqu'à ce qu'une occasion de devenir commentateur professionnel survienne....



When his wife leaves him, Domingo is determined to prove that he is not only a looser that gets fired every other week. Domingo sets out to make his lifelong dream come true. Every Sunday, he goes and spends his time on the sidelines of an improvised soccer field, near his poor outskirt neighbourhood in Guadalajara, to commentate on the neighbourhood matches. While he constantly improves his style and technique, he keeps trying to get a job with the local TV station as his ultimate goal, but he doesn't realize how much his impassioned commentaries are changing the life of his entire community..



Inside the house of a father and his son, the atmosphere is tense and uncomfortable: like a silent bomb, about to explode. The father keeps a secret; he has repressed it so much that it has cost him his very identity..



One Sunday night, a guy named Marco writes a letter in which he recounts all the bad moments on the Sundays of his life..



Sunday (Domingo) is part of documentary of transmedia storytelling about Família Stronger, a LGBTQIA+ collective of Sao Paulo's periphery. It portrays a single day which encompasses both a lunch get-together and one of the historical manifestations against the 2016's Brazilian coup d'état..



A short film built around footage shot during ten Sundays, from February 12 to December 30 of 2012, in the city of São Paulo, creating a reference for time and space that helps build a narrative marked by temporality. A film in which the main characters are the city of São Paulo and the work of Danish artist Olafur Eliasson. A new look on the city, its spaces, occupations and habitants..