

Dom voir films streaming gratuit sans compte



Victor a dédié sa vie en tant que policier à la lutte contre la criminalité et plus particulièrement le trafic de drogue. Mais son fils, Dom, sombre progressivement dans la drogue, jusqu'à devenir un des criminels les plus recherchés du Brésil..

A.D. - Anno Domini

A.D. - Anno Domini

Situé juste après la mort de Jésus-Christ, cette mini-série raconte la vie et les aventures des disciples de Jésus, et les événements à Rome pendant les règnes des empereurs Tibère, Caligula, Claude et Néron..

The House

The House

Stone by stone, Imrich is building a small house for his daughter Eva almost entirely on his own. But for Eva, who is about to graduate from school, the prospect of moving into the house is about as appealing as being imprisoned in a jail she herself has helped to build. She has very different plans for her future....

Love After World Domination

Love After World Domination

Quand le leader rouge de la Force héroïque Gelato 5 tombe amoureux d'une générale du camp ennemi, rien ne va plus ! Entre les combats, les deux rivaux doivent cacher leur relation à leurs subordonnés… C'est parti pour une parodie romantique des Power Rangers !.



Free adaptation of Machado de Assis' "Dom Casmurro". Bento marries an actress, and soon afterwards she gets pregnant. Then, he begins to suspect the child isn't his, but his best friend's..



Acting : Dom
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dom en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Dom
popularity : 0.015
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dom en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Dom
popularity : 0.003
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dom en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Dom
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dom en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Dom
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dom en streaming gratuit.



Worker's quarters on Vida Pregarc Street, Ljubljana: a house originally built to accommodate construction workers has storeys, three entrances, and as a result of the privatization process, nineteen owners. The fates of its residents vary....



Acting : Dom
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dom en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Dom
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Dom en streaming gratuit.



She watches him through the window as he loads the final pieces of furniture into the truck. They are counting down the last hours in their home. Their seven-month-old baby is asleep, unaware of the trouble brewing. They will either vacate the apartment peacefully, or they will be forcefully evicted. Their home, her father's legacy, used to be their safe haven, their family nest. Now, corrupt courts, greedy bankers, and unscrupulous real estate investors have turned it into a site of their worst nightmares. As tension rise, they struggle to preserve their relationship. In the morning, as police knocks on their door, their future seems uncertain, but their options are very clear: either accept injustice or show resistance..



The film presents the life and work of two sisters Grażyna and Violetta, who run a center for homeless men. The heart and unconventional approach to their children makes them build a real home together..