

Dogwatch sokroflix gratuit



Adrift in hostile waters, during the last vicious battles of the Triad societies after explusion from mainland China, The Captain, William, is ruined. He has a shady past, a drinking problem and a dirty job to do - at the lowest ebb of his career, William has agreed to sink the Arabella for an insurance scam. A tale of lost men adrift on the high seas in a battle for survival.



A security guard working the night shift at a strange apartment complex begins to discover that all is not as it seems..

Dogwatch - Les hommes de quart

Dogwatch - Les hommes de quart

Engagés dans la lutte contre la piraterie, trois mercenaires sillonnent l’océan Indien... D'une grande beauté visuelle, ce documentaire contemplatif esquisse le portrait d’hommes dans l’attente et en quête de sens..



Raphael is forced by the Austrian Unemployment Office to take an underwhelming job as a night-time security guard. He recently moved back in with his bedridden mother, who is also cared for by the dedicated Ukrainian nurse Vera. Through Vera's support, Raphael gradually learns to cope with his new life situation, but a tragic incident breaks his world apart once more..



On a typical work day, Oscar, a hotel receptionist, decides to plan his “revenge” against a guest. Fiction will be his weapon..