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Gritty police thriller about a German father-daughter team working with French colleagues to battle organized crime in the German border town of Kehl..

The Border

The Border

Nerdy tax official Eva is fired for giving speeches about a fairer tax system in the park. An Internet video of this goes viral, jeopardizing a planned mega-merger. That's why the company bosses are determined to stop Eva's popularity..

The Border

The Border

A pseudo-scientific analysis of a cartographical enigma which arose when the frontier between East and West Germany was erased. "The Border" delivers an intelligent study of an age-old German problem of borders and walls long since gone which nevertheless remain in the head..

The Quiet Love

The Quiet Love

Two very different love stories cross each other in warm and magical way. A humanistic and yet mysterious film about love and death near the German/Danish border..

An die Grenze

An die Grenze

19-year-old NVA soldier, Alex Karow, is sent to the West German-East German border in May 1974, shortly after Willy Brandt's resignation and during the World Cup. The army is dominated by brutal rituals, tolerated or used by the officers. Alex understands that the ideals of balance, democracy and human dignity are propaganda. The question of what happens when the other appears in the sights of the Kalashnikov occupies the soldiers day and night, interrupted almost exclusively by the games of the World Cup with the historic encounter between the GDR and the FRG. Alex draws strength from his love for Christine, a confident tractor driver who lives in the neighbouring village. Christine encourages him not to do what his father expects, but to follow his dream of becoming a photographer. But when her brother sends Alex's photo from the border fortifications to the West, everything gets out of control....

Invisible Border

Invisible Border

A deportation in Vienna in the middle of the night. Police officer Nancy and her colleague Albert have the task of evicting a family. Together with a police unit, they ambush an Albanian family without a valid residence permit. The situation escalates. The pubescent son becomes rebellious, the father suffers a nervous breakdown. When the mother of the family throws herself from the second floor, Nancy takes care of the 8-year-old girl, who did not notice the incident in her cellar hiding place. The events of the night leave everyone involved traumatized..

The Inhabitable Border

The Inhabitable Border

After a night out in Berlin, Hannah, Thomas and Nicolás wake up to a strange feeling. All three of them have had the same dream: a voice foretelling that the end of the world would take place on the following night. Under the pressure of having just some hours left on earth, they part in separate ways across the town, but soon enough they start doubting their impulses and the way they are dealing with this mysterious truth..

Across the Border: Five Views from Neighbours

Across the Border: Five Views from Neighbours

Across the Border is a polyglot portrait of ideas about borders at the beginning of the 21st century. In an episodic journey five directors from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia, present their view and vision of nation, identity and Europe: By placing their personal cinematographic imprint on multifaceted portraits of their home countries, they open up a broad space for encounters with the strangers next door..