

Detective Sweet film en francais

Detective Sweet

Detective Sweet

Something strange happened after an autistic girl is involved in a car accident. Su Tang survives the crash only to realize that her brain has developed to an extremely high intellectual level and all of her senses have become so powerful that she is able to observe and detect the minutest details. Su Tang begins to use her newfound powers to help the police solve the most difficult or bizarre cases. But why do all of these strange cases seem to somehow lead back to one mysterious person, and could Su Tang herself be involved somehow?.

Adieu ma belle

Adieu ma belle

Dans un poste de police de Los Angeles, des inspecteurs questionnent sévèrement le détective Philip Marlowe, accusé de plusieurs meurtres. Celui-ci raconte alors les faits qui l'ont entraîné dans bien des problèmes depuis le jour où il a accepté de recherché une jeune fille nommée Velma, pour le compte d'un ex-bagnard, "Moose" Malloy..