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Plus à l'aise dans les rues que dans les bureaux, l'adjoint Bill Hollister, cinquième génération de sa famille à faire régner l'ordre, donne de sa personne pour mener sa mission à bien. Lorsque le shérif du comté de Los Angeles meurt, Bill prend sa place et devient responsable des 10 000 officiers assermentés qui contrôlent le Wild West actuel. Seulement intéressé par la justice, notre homme de loi va devoir prendre en compte la dimension politique de ses nouvelles attributions..

The Deputy

The Deputy

The Deputy is an American western series that aired on NBC from September 1959, to July 1961. The series stars Henry Fonda as Chief Marshal Simon Fry of the Arizona Territory and Allen Case as Deputy Clay McCord, a storekeeper who tried to avoid using a gun..

Droopy Shérif

Droopy Shérif

Deux hors-la-loi, Shorty et Slim cherchent à s'emparer de l'or qui a été confié à Droopy. Le shérif a dit à Droopy qu'au moindre bruit, il entrerait dans la pièce et tirerait sur tout ce qui bouge. Shorty et Slim sont les victimes des multiples tentatives de Droopy (qu'ils ont fait prisonnier) pour faire du bruit..

Outlaw Deputy

Outlaw Deputy

Buck Stevens, an outlaw, escapes from the county jail, but is speedily captured and locked up again. In more ways than one Buck is shown kindness by the sheriff, who urges him to serve his time. A few years later, when Buck is released, he reads that there is a reward for the capture of one Dare Devil Kelly, hiding in Snake Canon. The sheriff is incapacitated through injury to his ankle and after vainly calling for volunteers to go after the bad man, the sheriff gives Buck the chance..

She was the Deputy's Wife

She was the Deputy's Wife

When an outlaw is captured and scheduled to hang, the wife of the local deputy makes a decision that will forever change her life. Mabel is in love with the arrested man. Will she remain loyal to her husband Jonathan or follow her heart?.

The Deputy

The Deputy

The Deputy explores Bob Galway's life and work in the House of Commons and how it impacts on his personal life. Bob's a Deputy PM who is a man of the people - opinionated, principled and pragmatic. Surrounded by inefficient, highly-sexed private secretaries, a beleaguered Bob strives to protect his reputation, his career and his conscience as he tries to outsmart his adversaries in the cut and thrust world of Westminster..

Deputy X

Deputy X

Plot details unknown. Described as being tonally in the vein of such films as The Running Man and 1970s cult classic Logan’s Run..

The Deputy and the Girl

The Deputy and the Girl

Jim Black has a daughter, Edna, who is engaged to marry Frank Shaw. One evening Jim and Frank leave the cabin together and later lay in wait for the stage-coach, soon due. After the robbery they separate in order to throw the posse off the trail. Jim is finally trailed down by the sheriff and posse and surrenders, while a deputy is sent to Jim's house, where it is suspected Shaw has retreated. The deputy is met at the door by Edna, who gives the deputy her word of honor that Shaw is not in the house..