

Death Bed voirfilms

Death Bed

Death Bed

Death Bed is an uncomplicated story about a complicated man who is just about at the end of his life. Stricken with a terminal illness, Jefferey is visited by his friends and family who try to reconnect with him before his inevitable end. Warm and reflective moments turn into course and combative exchanges between Jefferey and his loved ones. With him as the catalyst, Jefferey verbally and emotionally abuses his faithful girlfriend, oppressive mother, estranged sister, and even the visiting nurse who tends to him. When his mother brings Fr. Nicholas to see him 'before it's too late', the ensuing chaos couldn't make things any worse . . . until Jefferey realizes that he is the only one who didn't know that he's dying..

Death Bed

Death Bed

Karen et Jerry emménagent dans un loft. Il trouve un lit dans le grenier qu'ils décident d'utiliser. Rapidement, ils sont en proie à des hallucinations durant leur sommeil....

Death Bed: The Bed That Eats

Death Bed: The Bed That Eats

Au bord d'un grand domaine, près d'un manoir en ruine ancien se trouve un bâtiment en pierre étrange avec une seule chambre. Dans la salle se trouve un lit. Né de la puissance démoniaque, le lit cherche l'essence chair, le sang et la vie des voyageurs imprudents ... Trois jolies filles arrivent en vacances, à la recherche d'un endroit pour passer la nuit. Au lieu de cela, ils tombent en cauchemars - et la cruauté, la faim insatiable du lit!.

Lesbian Bed Death: Myth or Epidemic?

Lesbian Bed Death: Myth or Epidemic?

This wild spoof of TV magazine journalism takes a mock-serious look at a phenomenon which is reportedly sweeping through the lesbian community. The satirical interviews with members of the afflicted group are a hoot. The Camille Paglia stand-in is flawless, of course everyone is set up and the lines are hilarious..

Dadah Is Death

Dadah Is Death

On 9th of November 1983 two Australians, Kevin Barlow and Geoff Chambers were arrested at Penang Airport in Malaysia carrying 179 grams of Heroin. A crime which in Malaysia carries a mandatory sentence of death... Dadah Is Death (A Long Way From Home) is the true story of Barbara Barlow's desperate attempt to save her son from the Hangmans rope - a courageous effort that involved impassioned pleas to President Reagan, The British Prime Minister, and even the Pope. By July 1986 this international struggle had seemed to reach a hopeless conclusion and all that was left was a mother's love for her son..

Continuez Doctor

Continuez Doctor

Francis Bigger, un charlatan notoire qui parcourt le pays en donnant des conférences sur le sujet de l'esprit sur la matière, glisse de la plate-forme au milieu de sa performance et finit à l'hôpital sous la garde du Dr Tinkle. L'hôpital est sur le point d'entrer dans une période de chaos total. L'équipe de Carry On est rejointe par Frankie Howerd comme le Francis frauduleux dans ce «panorama du lit de la vie hospitalière»..