

Days and Nights sokroflix gratuit

Day and Night

Day and Night

Afin d'enquêter sur une horrible tuerie, un détective effrayé par l'obscurité échange chaque nuit sa place avec son frère jumeau en cavale..

40 jours et 40 nuits

40 jours et 40 nuits

Matt Sullivan sort d’une rupture douloureuse. Sa dernière grande histoire d’amour s’est soldée par un véritable échec.A vingt-huit ans, Matt jouit d’une solide réputation de tombeur. Concepteur de sites Internet, il fréquente les milieux branchés de San Francisco, côtoie les plus belles femmes et multiplie les conquêtes. Mais celui-ci se lance un défi : pendant quarante jours et quarante nuits, ce séducteur impénitent s’abstiendra de toute relation sexuelle, fuira toute tentation charnelle, refusera baisers, flirts et caresses. S’il y parvient, ce sera la première fois qu’il respectera un engagement jusqu’au bout.Matt a enfin l’impression de contrôler ses envies et son destin. Jusqu’au jour où il fait la rencontre d’Erica. Cette fille à la fois sexy, intelligente, épanouie et débordante d’humour, le rend complètement fou….

Days and Nights

Days and Nights

Reckless desire wreaks havoc over Memorial Day weekend as a family confronts the volatile and fragile nature of love. A modern retelling of Anton Chekhov's "The Seagull", set in rural New England..

Nights and Days

Nights and Days

Nights and Days is a family saga of Barbara Ostrzeńska-Niechcic, and Bogumił Niechcic, against the backdrop of the January Uprising of 1863 and World War I. The film is a rather straightforward and faithful adaptation of a novel by Maria Dąbrowska with the same title. The plot is woven around the changing fortunes of a noble (upper-class) Niechcic family in the pre-WWI Poland. There are two main crossing threads: a social history one and an existential one..

L'Arche de l'apocalypse

L'Arche de l'apocalypse

Suite à un important séisme, une plaque tectonique provoque un véritable soulèvement des océans. Pour faire face à la panique, l'armée américaine décide de construire une arche pour préserver la vie sur Terre..

Days and Nights

Days and Nights

A man's last night of freedom. We watch as he desperately tries to sort out his affairs before imprisonment. Short film shot in Edinburgh in 2007..

Night and Day

Night and Day

Sung-nam, un jeune peintre coréen, doit, pour échapper à une arrestation fuir son pays. Il s'envole pour Paris et trouve refuge dans une pension du 14e arrondissement appartenant à un coréen. D'abord un peu perdu dans ce pays qui lui est inconnu, et souffrant de l'absence de sa femme, il traine dans les rues de Paris. Mais, il s'acclimate progressivement à la vie occidentale et fait la connaissance de deux jeunes Coréennes : Hyun-ju et sa colocataire Yu-jeong, une étudiante aux Beaux-arts. Au fil de l'été, il tombe de plus en plus amoureux de Yu-jeong et de Paris….

1 Night and 2 Days

1 Night and 2 Days

2 Days & 1 Night is a South Korean reality-variety show with the motto "real wild road variety." Its main concept is to recommend various places of interest that viewers can visit in South Korea..

Nights and Days

Nights and Days

‘Nights and Days’ uses notes written and filmed during summer 2006 as a personal account of the experience of war. The first part, which resembles yet is not a diary of war, oscillates between day-shots and night-shots and features a soundtrack expressing the idea of time passing, awaiting, interrogations and fears experienced in such an unusual time. The second part is a journey to south Lebanon which was devastated during that war. It alternates between peaceful landscapes and ruins and destruction accompanied only by music, as no words could express this devastation. ‘Nights and Days’ questions the relation between image and sound and reflects on notions of ‘beauty’ and ‘horror through images of urban and natural landscapes, where sometimes a detail betrays the presence of war and its violence..

Seven Nights and Seven Days

Seven Nights and Seven Days

This film documents an unusual healing ceremony in Senegal. The ceremony, called the Ndepp, is organized by the Lebou people to honor their ancestral spirits and to ask them to allow a cure to take place of one of their members. Performed over seven days and nights, it is a complicated ceremony with a precise set of rules and involves the whole community..

Nine Days and Nights of Ed Sheeran

Nine Days and Nights of Ed Sheeran

A music documentary with British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, one of the fastest rising stars in pop music today. Over the course of the hour-long documentary, fans will have intimate access to Sheeran at a critical turning point in his life and career..

Night and Day

Night and Day

Travaillant sur une série de meurtres atroces, la médecin légiste Sara Grau trouve la clé d'une affaire dans laquelle elle est involontairement devenue une cible de choix. Thriller policier espagnol sophistiqué..

Des jours et des nuits dans la forêt

Des jours et des nuits dans la forêt

Quatre amis de Calcutta aux personnalités très différentes font une excursion de vacances à la campagne, dans un petit village de l'État du Bihar où ils s'installent dans un bungalow. Une série d'événements mineurs, tous liés à leurs réactions respectives à leur nouvel environnement, révèle plus profondément leurs personnages..

Jours et nuits

Jours et nuits

Dans cette romance musicale, l'un des plus grands chanteurs égyptiens du siècle dernier tombe éperdument amoureux de la sublime Iman et nous enchante avec quelques standards de son répertoire. Mais toutes les romances ne sont pas si simples et des problèmes surgissent parfois entre les amoureux..

Nights and Days in America

Nights and Days in America

A young Chinese woman studying abroad in the United States gets a phone call from her parents informing of her grandfather’s death. The young woman tries to spend the rest of her day normally. She makes plans with friends to go out and visit the city after school to brush away the shock. When the cab arrives and she heads to the city with her friends, she decides against it at the last minute. The young woman asks the cab driver to stop as she wants to buy a paper money package. Soon enough, an unlikely friendship arises between the cab driver and the young woman as they reminisce about Beijing, fold, and burn the paper money to commemorate their dead..

Days and Nights

Days and Nights

This literary adaptation was the first Soviet feature length dramatization, as opposed to documentary film, on the momentous Battle of Stalingrad..

Nights and Days

Nights and Days

A partisan battalion who was surrounded from all sides brings up decision to enter the city, so that the fighters could rest and recover. Due to fear of one of the partisans, the enemy discovers their plan, but fails to sabotage it..