

Darkest Hour streaming vf complet gratuit

Les heures sombres

Les heures sombres

En mai 1940, Winston Churchill devient Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni, en pleine Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa détermination à combattre les Allemands sera décisive pour la suite des événements. Sa nomination au poste de premier ministre britannique fut un grand hasard, bien qu'il ait reçu de vives critiques sur sa politique anti-Hitler; ses discours, qui firent la une des journaux de l'époque, résonnent jusqu'à aujourd'hui..

The Darkest Hour

The Darkest Hour

Sean et Ben sont à Moscou pour affaires, confrontés à un univers d’argent et de pratiques sans scrupules. Natalie et Anne s’y trouvent en escale involontaire alors qu’elles avaient prévu de se rendre au Népal. Les quatre jeunes gens se rencontrent par hasard dans la boîte de nuit la plus branchée de la ville où ils croisent Skylar, un homme d’affaires suédois qui a arnaqué Sean et Ben. Ce haut lieu qui attire puissants et personnalités en vue bascule dans la terreur lorsque des aliens attaquent… Après avoir vécu terrés quelques jours dans les sous-sols, les cinq survivants ressortent et découvrent une ville déserte. Le monde semble immobile alors qu’une force terrifiante et invisible les guette… S’ils veulent avoir une chance de survivre, ils vont absolument devoir découvrir qui sont ces êtres venus d’ailleurs et ce qu’ils veulent. C’est à ce prix qu’ils pourront les combattre, s’ils en sont capables….

Darkest Hour

Darkest Hour

Several years ago, a sleepy Pacific Northwest town was terrorized by a skull-faced maniac with a thirst for blood. It seemed no man, woman or child was safe from the North Bend Reaper, a crafty serial killer who became infamous for stealing patches of clothing from his bloodied victims. Despite a massive manhunt, the Reaper was never found. Fast forward to the present - a group of actors try to cash in on the town's notoriety by hosting an interactive murder mystery party based on the unsolved killings. After isolating their guests at an abandoned summer camp, they come to the terrifying conclusion that someone in their midst is killing them off one by one. Has someone chosen to continue the North Bend Reaper's bloody legacy? Or has the Reaper himself come back for one last dance with death?.

The Darkest Hour

The Darkest Hour

A post WWII criminal drama, masterfully filmed and produced. Fantastic performance, great historical details and ambience immerse the viewers into the atmosphere of post-war USSR. At the same time, the show has a modern edge thanks to the detailed characters’ psychology and backstory. The war is over but the life is far from being back to normal. It is now the war on crime and Lieutenant Denis Zhuravlev must unholster his gun and protect the safety of civilians. He has to go undercover and become a member of a brutal local gang. He is in and he’s risking his life to stop the murders and heists, but then the plot takes a very dangerous, unpredictable turn. The project is a true gem for audiences worldwide..

Darkest Hour Annihilation

Darkest Hour Annihilation

With the world steaming forward on its self-destructive path, Tracy Wellington decided to ignore the signs of the times. After the disappearance of half the world, she now fights every minute to stay alive..

Her Darkest Hour

Her Darkest Hour

A lost film. A Teacher is struggling to control her classroom. Her failure has evidently reached the ears of the members of the board of education, and a committee of the guardians of public instruction visits the school. and the shortcomings of Ruth, the teacher, are apparent. She is dismissed from her position in disgrace; a holiday is proclaimed. The children depart, and Ruth is alone in her sorrow and bitterness of her failure. Sorrowfully she dons her wraps and leaves the school room with its disappointing memories. Ruth then applies for the position of a stenographer in an office..

Her Darkest Hour

Her Darkest Hour

The daughter of a wealthy man imagined she was deeply in love with her father's chauffeur, and demanded she be allowed to marry him. When her father very properly and angrily refused, the young woman was urged by her suitor to elope with him and very foolishly consented. In a short time her romance was utterly dispelled..

Enough!: Lebanon's Darkest Hour

Enough!: Lebanon's Darkest Hour

The film follows the Australian-Lebanese filmmaker Daizy Gedeon's independent introspection into how Lebanon has ended up in a state of complete catastrophe, exposing the country's dark underbelly which is its most sinister enemy..

Ancient Egypt's Darkest Hour

Ancient Egypt's Darkest Hour

A rare mass grave is discovered in Luxor making archaeologists wonder what happened when it was made. The grave contains the bones of nearly 60 people. A team of experts embark on an exciting quest in search for answers. They head down to Egypt and travel back to ancient times looking for clues that could reveal the story behind this mysterious grave..

In the Darkest Hour

In the Darkest Hour

Two Scottish soldiers - Hamish McNeill & Gordon McGregor - are stranded in German-occupied territory and decide on a bold plan to get out of trouble: they will swap their uniforms for civvies and set off on foot for the British lines. However, they have not gone very far before their dislike of each other flares into open conflict and they tumble together down a hill right into the path of a German patrol. It is now that Hamish's native Gaelic tongue comes to their aid, confusing the German soldiers and buying them precious time to come up with a plan to fool the Germans into letting them go. Transferred to Nazi Headquarters in Berlin, they must somehow pull together to survive. If not, death by firing squad is certain..

The Darkest Hour

The Darkest Hour

A writer in self-exile is haunted by the memory of his long-lost love. Mysterious events and an unexpected visitor are about to offer him a chance to relieve his pain. Based on the famous poem of Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven..

Party Scars and Prison Bars

Party Scars and Prison Bars

Darkest Hour, a top Washington DC band, incorporating elements of Death metal, Thrash and Punk. This DVD includes live footage from all over the world, video clps from members' earliler band, commentary from Darkest Hour on show footage and videos, performance footage..

Darkest Hour - Party Scars & Prison Bars: A Thrashography

Darkest Hour - Party Scars & Prison Bars: A Thrashography

Go behind the scenes as metal musicians Darkest Hour thrash out their unique brand of frenzied tunes. This video features concert footage from the band's world tour, from small underground clubs to large venues. Also includes full-length videos of "The Sadist Nation" and "March to the Killing Rhythm," video clips from the members' prior bands, footage from their very first show in 1995, and interviews with the band, their crew and other bands..

HOG The Darkest Hour

HOG The Darkest Hour

The Darkest Hour was a professional wrestling event produced by House of Glory (HOG) that took place on December 01, 2023, at the NYC Arena in New York City, New York..

Darkest Hour

Darkest Hour

One cold midnight, Kenji was riding on a bicycle on trail in the woods...running away from his own life. When he saw a lady casting "Ushikoku" spell in the woods, a sleepless night begins. To cast 'Ushikoku' spell, the one must nail a doll down to a tree in the midnight shrine. If the spellcaster be seen castiing spell, he or she must kill the witness to complete the spell... On the way running away from the lady through the midnight city, he finds out that no one helps him, his old friends, police, nobody. And soon, everyone starts chasing him, being a part of the spell. Kenji decides to fight. Not for his life, but for his girl with sickness inside her..