

Dark Heart sokroflix gratuit

Dark Heart

Dark Heart

En Grande-Bretagne, le détective Will Wagstaffe et son équipe enquêtent sur une série d'attaques brutales à l'encontre de pédophiles accusés mais non condamnés..

The Dark Heart

The Dark Heart

Tanja, enquêtrice suédoise spécialisée dans les personnes disparues, travaille sur l'affaire d'une riche propriétaire terrienne ayant disparu après avoir donné un ultimatum à sa fille : mettre fin à sa relation avec le fils d'un fermier ou perdre son héritage..

Cœurs Noirs

Cœurs Noirs

Basée sur des faits réels, Cœurs noirs est une immersion au cœur d'un commando des forces spéciales françaises en Irak pour combattre des français partis rejoindre Daesh..

Dark Heart

Dark Heart

Upon returning home as a hero from the Iraq War, Special Forces Agent Matt Taylor (Joelson) is thrown right into another battle. This time it is in his once quiet hometown where, as in Iraq, you don't know who are friends and who are enemies. In a dark night filled with mental and physical violence, Matt must again reach into the darkest corners of his mind to fight his inner demons and survive in the homeland he fought to defend. The Dream is over....

Dark Hearts

Dark Hearts

A look into the lives of a couple whose child has gone missing. After living with the disappearance of their only child for months, they have no choice but to move on with life. But when ladybugs appear, Kelly believes it's a sign her daughter is still alive. Her husband isn't so quick to believe. One clings to the last bit of hope she has, the other is at his wit's end. Both hoping for a miracle the next time the phone rings..

Dark Hearts

Dark Hearts

Lorsque l'artiste en difficulté Colson trouve sa muse dans la chanteuse sensuelle Fran, leur romance audacieuse échappe à tout contrôle et se transforme en un jeu dangereux de tromperie et de trahison..

The Dark Side of the Heart

The Dark Side of the Heart

Oliveiro is a young poet living in Buenos Aires where sometimes he has to sell his ideas to an advertising agency to make a living or exchange his poems for a steak. In Montevideo, he meets a prostitute, Ana, with whom he falls in love. Back in Buenos Aires, he accepts a contract with a publicity agency to get the money for three days of love with her. Will he get what he's searching for when his ideal of love's pleasure is literally going in levitation while making love?.

Dark Hearts

Dark Hearts

When Liv’s criminal mother is arrested, she has to move into a girls’ residential group. There, caught between her past and a new love interest, she must decide for the first time on how to continue her life..

The Dark Side of the Heart 2

The Dark Side of the Heart 2

The sequel to the blockbuster Argentinean smash hit. After ten years, Oliverio is still intrigued by the works of great poets and continues to search for true love. When he meets the beautiful... The sequel to the blockbuster Argentinean smash hit. After ten years, Oliverio is still intrigued by the works of great poets and continues to search for true love. When he meets the beautiful Miranda, she suggests that they both move in together and find jobs. Oliviero, however, leaves Miranda in search of his first love Ana who he met ten years prior. Once in Barcelona, he realizes that Ana's life has drastically changed and their love is in the past. Soon, he meets poet and circus performer, Alejandra. Oliviero becomes smitten and desperately tries bond with her, but she makes things a little more difficult that he ever imagined..

Heart, Beating in the Dark

Heart, Beating in the Dark

This new version of Nagasaki's Yami utsu shinzô (1982) is neither a remake nor a sequel. It is both those things, and at the same time it is also a documentary, a portrait of the consequences of passing time, and an occasionally very funny reflection on what the hell the point is of all this filmmaking business anyway. Shigeru Muroi and Takashi Naito, back then young hopefuls willing to take chances, now among the most established and recognisable actors in Japan, return to play the roles they assumed in the 1982 film, each of their characters having gone their own way. Alongside, another young couple (Honda and the ever-brilliant Eguchi) find themselves in the exact same situation as their older counterparts 25 years earlier. Their paths cross, an opportunity arises: for the elder two to redeem part of their own lives, for the younger couple to find a helping hand in their darkest hour..

Le Cœur est une étrange forêt obscure

Le Cœur est une étrange forêt obscure

Marie a délaissé sa carrière de musicienne pour se consacrer à son époux Thomas et leurs deux enfants. Elle apprend soudain que ce dernier, un violoniste très sollicité, est non seulement bigame, mais qu'il est le père de deux autres enfants et réside pour moitié dans une maison qu'elle ne connaît pas. Dès lors, son existence harmonieuse se disloque, révélant tous les mensonges qui ont façonné son bonheur de mère et d'épouse. Elle décide de suivre Thomas pour lui demander des explications, mais découvre un univers encore plus déliquescent : un vieux château dans lequel se déroule un grotesque bal masqué. Au lendemain, Marie prend une décision inattendue... Une relecture contemporaine de Médée d'Euripide..

A heart in the dark

A heart in the dark

A girl searches for happiness, so she resorts to marrying a rich man to fulfill her ambitions, and leaves her poor lover. She discovers that he is an employee of her husband and that he is trusted, so she tries to restore her love..

Le Cœur Noir des Forêts

Le Cœur Noir des Forêts

Nikolaï, 16 ans, vit entre le foyer et des familles d’accueil. Solitaire et hanté par les origines de son abandon, il rêve de fonder une famille. Quand Camille, 15 ans, intrigante et effrontée, débarque dans son foyer, Nikolaï la convainc de partir vivre avec lui dans la forêt..

Trafic d'enfants au cœur de l'Europe

Trafic d'enfants au cœur de l'Europe

Le trafic d'enfants est un marché lucratif qui, avec les drogues et les armes, représente l'une des activités les plus prisées des réseaux criminels en Europe. Pour la plupart originaires d'Europe de l'Est ou d'Afrique, mais parfois également de France ou d'Allemagne, filles et garçons sont vendus comme esclaves domestiques ou sexuels, ou encore mis à la rue pour mendier ou faire les poches des passants. Mais d'où vient la demande ? Qui sont les trafiquants ? Comment les réseaux s'organisent-ils, et pourquoi ce sujet reste-t-il relativement tabou dans les prises de parole politiques ?.

My Heart of Darkness

My Heart of Darkness

Four war-veterans, from different sides, step onto a boat at the mouth of the Kwando river, deep within the African interior. They are on a journey back to the battlefield, the site of the last "great" battle of the Cold War - its inconclusive and a very secret Armageddon, where they as youngsters, once tried to kill each other. But now, twenty years later, they've come together as former enemies, a new unit of disparate souls joined together not only by the common haunting of war trauma, but also by their need to understand, to reconcile, to forgive..

Au cœur des ténèbres

Au cœur des ténèbres

Le policier Marlow est chargé de retrouver le capitaine Kurtz, un policier célèbre qui a disparu dans des circonstances mystérieuses. Pour mener sa mission à bien, Marlow doit embarquer sur un bateau et entreprendre un voyage dangereux à travers la périphérie de Rio de Janeiro..