

Damage sokroflix gratuit



Stephen Fleming, parlementaire conservateur récemment promu secrétaire d'État, est marié depuis 25 ans à Ingrid, avec laquelle il entretient une relation pleine d'affection. Ils ont 2 enfants : Martyn, brillant journaliste politique, et Sally, adolescente à l'esprit vif et curieux. Au cours d'une réception à l'ambassade de France, Stephen fait la connaissance d'Anna Barton, la nouvelle petite amie de son fils..



Libéré de prison depuis peu, John Brickner est prêt à oublier son passé. Mais lorsqu'il apprend que la jeune fille de l'homme qu'il a tué ne peut payer les frais d'une transplantation cardiaque dont dépend sa survie, il sait pourquoi il doit retourner se battre. Une association de combats clandestins lui garantit une part de prise suffisante pour régler l'intervention chirurgicale de la jeune fille. Or, Brickner pourra-t-il survivre à ce combat illicite et en réclamer le butin?.



Lorsqu’un meurtrier sadique fait surface en Écosse, un détective de la police de Chicago se joint à la traque dans l’espoir d’arrêter ce tueur en série rituel avant qu’il ne fasse sa prochaine victime..



Ali is not a citizen. He drives a taxi using another man’s license and relies on the GPS to negotiate his way around a city he doesn’t know. His passenger, Esther is an old woman who can’t remember where she is going. She is angry because she has been stripped of everything that is familiar to her and she doesn't recognise the world anymore. They travel through the night in search of a vague destination while surveillance cameras mark their journey, coldly omitting the human element, defining who belongs and who does not, who is safe and who is not. What they have in common is their damage – she can’t remember and he can’t forget..



A prominent married couple Taiwo and Sarah played by Uche Jombo and Kali Ikeagwu respectively, have a life that is marred by domestic violence. When things are going well, their relationship is blissful, but when it is going badly is hellish. On one occasion the husband surprises his wife by spelling out I love you with petals by their swimming pool, but when they fight it is vicious and violent. Quick tempered Taiwo appeases his wife by buying her gifts after they fight. Their home life affects their children in the worst way. Their son is violent at school and their daughter is withdrawn to the point of muteness, her own way of protesting, but the couple refuses to see that the violent nature of their relationship is responsible until it is too late..



Set in affluent, contemporary, south-side Dublin, the Cahills appear to have the world at their feet. Dad Aidan, is a successful property tycoon, his wife Michelle, a successful estate agent and their fashion model daughter, Emma's 21st birthday party at the family home should be a night to remember. That night however, a rape at the party shatters their seemingly perfect lives. With the key suspect released on bail, and dark family secrets coming to the fore, Emma's life begins to free-fall. Slowly, having made radical changes to her life, Emma builds towards recovery - until a chance meeting with her rapist bolsters her conviction that she'll need to confront him in court before she can get on with her life..



Damage is a brutal yet unapologetic fictionalised portrayal of true Domestic Violence accounts, as told to the filmmakers during the scriptwriting process by female victim survivors. Having fled from abusive husband, Colin, 40 year old Heather is struggling to cope with life void of the middle class comforts she and her 3 children are used to. Pressure from seeing how miserable her children are and promises of change from Colin, Heather must decide whether to return to the family home..



In this film, [Dixon] explores time, duration, and the irrevocable instant when one thing leads to another that leads to another - and then, inexorably, to the final moment when all is called into question." - Jorge Orduna.



Ali drives a taxi using another man’s license in a city he doesn’t know. Esther, his passenger is an old woman who forgets where she is going and doesn't recognise her world. They travel through the night searching for a destination while surveillance cameras mark their journey, defining who belongs and who does not, who is safe and who is not..



Vous ne voudriez pas vous mettre à dos Patty Hewes... Cette femme élégante dirige l'un des cabinets judiciaires les plus puissants de New York, gérant les affaires les plus sensibles avec une poigne de fer et ne reculant devant rien pour atteindre ses objectifs. Entourée des meilleurs, elle recrute une jeune et ambitieuse procureur, Ellen Parsons, pour compléter son équipe. Patty va devenir son mentor, son exemple... et son pire cauchemar : Ellen va en effet s'apercevoir bien vite que le prix de la réussite est plus élevé qu'elle ne l'imaginait. Patty Hewes a une nouvelle cible en vue : le puissant Arthur Frobisher, un des plus grands dirigeants du pays, l'un des plus corrompus aussi. Son but est clair : le mettre à genoux, hors d'état de nuire, en d'autres termes le détruire..

Damage Control

Damage Control

Damage Control is a reality TV series produced by MTV. Hosted by Simple Plan frontman Pierre Bouvier, and directed by Sebastian Doggart, the show was a real-life version of the movie Risky Business. It first aired on MTV on March 6, 2005. The last episode was broadcast on April 24, 2005..

Dommage collatéral

Dommage collatéral

À Los Angeles, Gordy Brewer, vétéran des sapeurs-pompiers, arrive avec quelques minutes de retard à un rendez-vous et assiste, impuissant, à un attentat à la bombe contre le Consulat de Colombie. Le terroriste visait une poignée de hauts dignitaires colombiens œuvrant à la signature d'un traité de coopération avec les États-Unis. Parmi les victimes de cet attentat figurent des dizaines de passants innocents dont Anne et Matt Brewer, l'épouse et le fils de Gordy. Cet acte terroriste est rapidement imputé au dangereux criminel Claudio "El Lobo". Alors que l'enquête officielle piétine et que les autorités américaines n'ont pas l'intention de mettre la main sur le principal responsable, Gordy décide de venger la mort de ses proches en partant en Colombie sur les traces de Claudio..



The story begins with the disappearance of a famous painter. Soon the cops realize that his case is just the tip of the iceberg, there are numerous other young men who have gone missing and have never resurfaced. Investigations start and a suspect emerges - Lovina. This turns into an intriguing cat and mouse game between Lovina and the police, led by Abhay..

Damage Control

Damage Control

Injury is every athlete’s dread – the instant hard-fought careers plunge from glory to gut-wrenching disaster. From the moment of damage, a small army of doctors, physios, surgeons, coaches and support teams swings into action. This series follows the extraordinary real-life drama of trauma, surgery, rehab and, for the lucky ones, return to glory. Every damaged athlete has a personal story – the shock of injury, the brutality of surgery, the burden of rehab and the emotional return to doing what they live for: playing elite competitive sport..

Elmer, le remue-méninges

Elmer, le remue-méninges

Brian rencontre par hasard un ver mutant appelé Elmer, capable de délivrer un puissant hallucinogène. En échange, le parasite réclame des victimes humaines afin de se nourrir de cerveaux frais….