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Une libérienne, Jacqueline, s'échappe de justesse de son pays déchiré par la guerre pour rejoindre une île grecque. Elle offre des massages aux touristes en échange d'un ou deux euros afin de se nourrir. Elle rencontre un guide touristique, tous deux se rapprochent..



Dans les années 70, deux frères affrontent les vagues violentes, la société conservatrice et les motards impitoyables pour se lancer dans l’industrie moderne du surf….



Fifteen-year-old Sammy has recently become aware of desires she awakens in men but one man to whom she is herself attracted is her older brother Jacob. With an institutionalized father and a mother neither sibling has seen for years, Jacob provides for the household through his trade in meat declared unfit for human consumption. This situation has sufficed for years but the dedication with which Jacob watches over his little sister leaves her no room to mature as a woman....



DRIFT is a collaboration started in 1991 between visual artist Leah Singer and musician and poet Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth. DRIFT is an immersive sonic/visual environment consisting of music, sounds and texts by Ranaldo in response to two 16mm analytical film projectors performed in real time by Singer. Much as a DJ scratches a vinyl record, Singer manipulates her films in a live improvisation with Ranaldo's guitar, poetry and soundscapes..



Toyohisa Shimazu, jeune samurai participant à la bataille de Sekigahara, à l'époque du Japon féodal, se retrouve soudain plongé dans un autre monde. Rapidement, il découvre que plusieurs autres guerriers renommés ont dérivé dans cette dimension. Le jeune homme se retrouve plongé dans une guerre sans merci dont il ignore encore les tenants et les aboutissants, guerre qu'il doit mener aux côtés de deux célèbres figures historiques japonaises, Oda Nobunaga et de Yoichi Nasu, avant d'être rejoint par d'autres combattants et stratèges issus de diverses époques, tels Hannibal Barca, Sundance Kid, Butch Cassidy et Scipion l'Africain..



Photographed entirely on 16mm & 35mm film, the breathtaking imagery of DRIFT will be captivating with incredibly vivid color, contrast and depth, qualities that are only available in the film format. DRIFT will look and feel lush and beautiful, each segment highlighted with hypnotic, slow motion images of casting, moving water, and underwater action. Deep, soulful interviews with select "legends of the sport" and others who have shaped the sport, will resonate with a musical score that features the sounds of Jack Johnson’s Brushfire recording artists. This deep rooted passion for the sport will be conveyed by these devoted (and sometimes eclectic) characters that have immersed themselves in the sport and the lifestyle of fly fishing. The fact that each segment tells a completely unique story and focuses on different characters and anglers is one of the many things that sets this project apart from other film and video releases of recent years..

Drifting Dragons

Drifting Dragons

Les membres de l'équipage du dirigeable Queen Zaza sont prêts à se lancer à la chasse au dragon. S'ils échouent, la faim sera le cadet de leurs soucis..



The overall feel of Drift is sombre and mysterious; a study of winter light falling on the surface of water, metal and cloud. The dominant colour is grey; grey infused with a multitude of ocean blues and greens. There is little land in this film and very few landmarks from which to navigate from one space to the next. The picture plane is in continuous motion like the ocean which, on the surface at least, is the subject of Drift..



Drift by Max Hattler sees the body as a metaphorical landscape. Eerie and sometimes too close for comfort the film manages to transform the familiar and mundane into something poetic and mysterious. A narrative grows out of what at first seems like nothing, but by the time the journey is over the viewer is left wanting more. What has happened is uncertain and maybe unimportant. The mood is at the heart of this piece. One part horror film and one part nature study certainly makes for a compelling mix..



"DRIFT" was filmed under water, a metaphor for the drowning reality of mental health challenges. The poem attempts to reach equilibrium, an acceptance of what is and an element of peace in what is to come..



A Belgian couple waits in an empty hotel in the Carpathian mountains. She suffers from a lingering illness. He helps her find her peace. Left alone, he escapes reality and starts to wander. DRIFT explores his quest for salvation on a mythical journey through a barren Romanian wasteland. Fighting his memories, the drifting man chooses not to speak and to loose himself in an animal-like and primitive existence. His simple but painful rituals echo an ancient culture long forgotten. As the past reveals itself, insanity sets in. Slowly, he disappears as well..



With 'Drift' Ulf Langheinrich brings abstract images and sounds from both art and music into the cinematic space. A stream of abstract, deep and dense images and sounds evolves from a realistic image. The images are transparent, high in resolution and fine in detail. A process of multiple metamorphoses in several parallel spaces and time-layers constantly transforms their consistency, viscosity and transparency. The permeation, stacking and re-visualisation of such layers is almost symphonic, but does not separate areas of certain characteristics into chapters or movements..



Two women spend a weekend in the North Sea. One of them will soon return to her family in Argentina, whereas the other one will try to come a step closer to the ocean. She will cross the Atlantic Ocean on a sailing vessel. Time leaves the beaten track and the swell lulls to deep sleep. The sea takes over the narration. When the other one reappears, the wind is still in her hair while the ground beneath her feet is solid. She returns and the other one could ask: “Have you changed?”.



In an attempt to take her best friend's mind off a recent breakup, Aza (Chelsey Ehresman) takes Katherine (Jessica Thomas) on a canoe trip through the forest. After a brief argument, the two venture out into the woods, where they face not only each other but themselves..



25 composers, 25 filmmakers, 25 ultimate symbioses of music and cinematography that fit completely within the DNA of Film Fest Gent and the World Soundtrack Awards. For the unique 2x25 project, the festival asked 25 composers to compose a short piece of music, after which 25 filmmakers made a short film. The result: 25 exceptional films where the music inspired the form, narrative and texture..