

Cyborg 009 sokroflix gratuit

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice

Joe Shimamura et les autres cyborgs ont enfin été libérés de leur devoir et coulent des jours paisibles loin des combats. Mais un jour, une jeune journaliste rend visite à Joe. Elle lui explique qu'une organisation baptisée Bresudo est à nouveau opérationnelle, et que seuls les cyborgs peuvent l'arrêter..



Les neuf cyborgs qui composaient autrefois l'équipe du Dr. Gilmore ont été séparés et suivent désormais des voies différentes. En particulier, le Cyborg 009 (Joe) a vu sa mémoire effacée et tente de vivre une vie normale à Tokyo.Mais une vague d'attentats terroristes visant la planète entière force la réunion des cyborgs pour contrer cette nouvelle menace. Joe et les autres devront reprendre leurs tenues de justiciers pour révéler une conspiration aux enjeux ésotériques....

Cyborg 009

Cyborg 009

Le professeur Cosmo, éminent scientifique, vient de découvrir l'existence d'une super énergie qu'il a baptisé "vortex". Mais alors qu'il en fait part à l'un de ses collègues, le Dr. Gilmore, le centre de recherches scientifiques aperçoit un étrange vaisseau spatial s'approcher de la Terre. Le jeune Saba originaire de la planète Komadar est le seul rescapé d'un groupe d'évadés ayant tentés de fuir Zoa, un être tyrannique et assoiffé de pouvoir....

Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman

Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman

Après avoir découvert que des hordes démoniaques menacent le Japon, les cyborgs dirigés par le Dr Gilmore rencontrent Devilman, un puissant démon qui semble être un allié du Black Ghost, une organisation terroriste maléfique..

Cyborg 009

Cyborg 009

Cyborg 009 movie based on the manga of the same name. Features 009's origin and an epic battle against Black Ghost and their evil robot forces..

Cyborg 009

Cyborg 009

Five years after the defeat of the Black Ghost organization and returning to their average lives, the 00 Cyborgs are called back into action to fight off cyborgs based off the Norse Gods, followed by a new enemy organization known as the Neo Black Ghost..

Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman

Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman

After discovering the existence of demons in Tokyo, the original Cyborg crew led by Dr. Gilmore find themselves in conflict with Devilman, a strong demon believed to be in league with the war-profiteering terrorist organisation, Black Ghost. Meanwhile, a bigger threat emerges when Dr. Adams, a Black Ghost scientist unleashes his new line of high-teen Cyborg models against 009 and his friends..

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 2

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 2

The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient times. Their goals are unknown, and they cast a dark shadow over the world. Though few people believe in the Bresdo's existence, one American journalist named Lucie Davenport heads to Texas to contact a certain family, and she meets the cyborgs. The cyborgs themselves have been freed from their duty of protecting humanity ever since the establishment of the UN Guardian troops, and they now live quiet lives of peace..

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 1

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 1

The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient times. Their goals are unknown, and they cast a dark shadow over the world. Though few people believe in the Bresdo's existence, one American journalist named Lucie Davenport heads to Texas to contact a certain family, and she meets the cyborgs. The cyborgs themselves have been freed from their duty of protecting humanity ever since the establishment of the UN Guardian troops, and they now live quiet lives of peace..

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 3

Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 3

The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient times. Their goals are unknown, and they cast a dark shadow over the world. Though few people believe in the Bresdo's existence, one American journalist named Lucie Davenport heads to Texas to contact a certain family, and she meets the cyborgs. The cyborgs themselves have been freed from their duty of protecting humanity ever since the establishment of the UN Guardian troops, and they now live quiet lives of peace..

009-1: The End of the Beginning

009-1: The End of the Beginning

Dans un univers où la guerre froide n'a jamais pris fin et où les conflits croissants entraînent un progrès rapide de la guerre technologique, l'espionne cyborg Mirine de l'Organisation 00 affronte les agents du bloc de l'Est dans un jeu d'espionnage de haute technologie..