

Cyberpunk voirfilms



William Gibson, auteur du classique cyberpunk Neuromancer, et Timothy Leary, célèbre défenseur des drogues psychédéliques, partagent leurs réflexions sur l'avenir de la société et de la technologie..

Cyberpunk : Edgerunners

Cyberpunk : Edgerunners

Dans une société dystopique rongée par la corruption et les implants cybernétiques, un jeune de la rue talentueux et impulsif aspire à devenir un mercenaire hors-la-loi..

Inside the Game - Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Inside the Game - Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Hardly any other game has been as fervently debated as "Cyberpunk 2077". It came out late, was hardly playable on some consoles, and the designers received death threads afterwards. Now they are planning their comeback: with "Phantom Liberty". Once again, superstar Keanu Reeves is in the game - and Hollywood icon Idris Elba. "Inside the Game" follows the designers of CD Projekt Red not only at their workspace in Warsaw, but also during the first presentations of the demo version in Los Angeles and Cologne..

The Cyberpunk Educator

The Cyberpunk Educator

A 2003 documentary study of mainstream Cyberpunk films of the 1980s created by director Andrew J. Holden. The film uses the structure of literary theorist Northrop Frye to describe the common, repeating stories in Western culture, and how Cyberpunk can be defined and understood according to that analysis, with a focus toward American film industry portrayal of race, gender, and government..

Cyberpunk Videozine 1

Cyberpunk Videozine 1

This videozine built in the spirit of the punk fanzine wants to penetrate the cyberpunk alchemical workshop, to point out its multifaceted aspects and also its political origins..

Indigo Gaming's History of Cyberpunk

Indigo Gaming's History of Cyberpunk

Let's take a journey back to the 1980's and beyond, to discover the origins of the Cyberpunk movement, in literature, cinema, television, video games, comics and more. In this documentary miniseries, we will discover the wonders of Cyberpunk, dating back to the 1940's, all the way through 1989, with each successive episode taking on a new decade..

Crime and Punishment: Cyberpunk Version

Crime and Punishment: Cyberpunk Version

Rodion Raskolnikov commits a crime, which is inevitably followed by a reckoning. But the old woman turns out to be a robot and everything does not go according to plan. Now the fate of this world is in his hands. Collaboration with Egor Loskutov and the Syenduk channel. The video is dedicated to the reissue of the book in a new audio format for the bicentennial of the birth of F.M.Dostoevsky with the participation of the Law Firm project..

Bubblegum Crisis

Bubblegum Crisis

Dans un futur proche, Tôkyô est dévastée par un terrible tremblement de terre. Sept ans plus tard, une nouvelle Cité, MegaTôkyô, est bâtie sur les ruines par le biais d'investissements privés d'une multinationale aussi prospère que secrète : GENOM. Cette dernière est responsable de la création et de la production de masse de puissantes créatures biomécaniques du nom de Boomers, destinées à servir le développement industriel de la ville naissante et étendre son emprise sur le monde entier. Mais les Boomers échappent rapidement à tout contrôle et l'AD Police est appelée à la rescousse. Le combat s'avère plus difficile que prévu. Quatre jeunes filles vêtues d'armures s'unissent alors clandestinement pour lutter contre cette nouvelle menace sous le nom de « Knight Sabers »….

DAEMON: The Documentary

DAEMON: The Documentary

In spring of 2016, the DAEMON ARG and gallery show was launched at Savannah College of Art and Design, with the help of a small Kickstarter campaign and the enthusiasm of its playerbase. This is a documentary of what happened, and how it was made..



Dans le Tokyo de demain, une jeune pirate informatique est atteinte par un virus qui s’avère être une arme digitale..