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L'Âge de glace 4 : La Dérive des continents

L'Âge de glace 4 : La Dérive des continents

Manny, Diego et Sid se lancent dans leur plus grand périple après qu’un cataclysme a donné naissance à un continent en pleine dérive. Séparé de leurs amis, ils utilisent un iceberg comme navire de fortune et s’embarquent pour une quête maritime. S’ils veulent devenir des héros, Manny et sa bande vont devoir surmonter l’impossible, tout en rencontrant des créatures aquatiques, en explorant un nouveau monde et en combattant des pirates impitoyables. De son côté, Scrat a toujours affaire à son maudit gland et se retrouve catapulté dans un endroit où aucun écureuil préhistorique n’est jamais allé..

Continental Drift

Continental Drift

Springing Lenin: An eccentric Scottish spinster greets the collapse of communism by snapping up a statue of Lenin on the cheap and towing it home across a bemused or hostile Europe. Business with Friends: Two members of the British fascist movement bring fraternal greetings to their neo-Nazi counterparts in Berlin. Can't Stop Me Dreaming: Marijke and Pieter were in love. Now it has gone sour. But they still have to finish their George Formby documentary on location in Lancashire.

Continental Drift

Continental Drift

Croatia, 1999. Adele, a young Australian woman travels by the sea, staying in an abandoned building, amid echoes of war. She meets Antonija, whose life has been fractured by the conflicts that tore apart the former-Yugoslavia, and together they discover the uncanny intimacy that can develop between strangers..

Continental Drift

Continental Drift

a single-channel video installation that explores the concept of geological time and how it is recorded within the earth’s surface. Using 16mm footage of multiple locations in the Alberta Badlands, documents its unique rock formations, which are in a constant state of change. Over millions of years, the Alberta Badlands have been a sea, a tropical forest and a massive ice field. Each of these eras is inscribed as layers of stone. Glaciers carved out the landscape, exposing coal and the remains of dinosaurs. The Alberta Badlands are located on the traditional territory of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika Nation, Kainai Nation-Blood Tribe, and Piikani Nation), Stoney-Nakoda Nation, and Tsuut’ina Nation. The area has been the site of immense resource extraction. Coal mining was a prominent industry in the 1930s and 40s. The area is eroding at a rapid rate and exists as a reminder of the impermanence of landscapes and natural resources..

Continental Drift

Continental Drift

A land and sea-scape film drawn from rich sources of imagery: the constantly changing mood of the sea to the distinctly different shorelines of Kent and the Pas de Calais – twenty-one miles of water that define both the “island race” and English hostility towards a wider integration within Europe..

La Dérive des continents (au sud)

La Dérive des continents (au sud)

Nathalie Adler est en mission pour l’Union Européenne en Sicile. Elle est notamment chargée d’organiser la prochaine visite de Macron et Merkel dans un camp de migrants. Présence à haute valeur symbolique, afin de montrer que tout est sous contrôle. Mais qui a encore envie de croire en cette famille européenne au bord de la crise de nerfs. Sans doute pas Albert, le fils de Nathalie, militant engagé auprès d’une ONG, qui débarque sans prévenir alors qu'il a coupé les ponts avec elle depuis des années. Leurs retrouvailles vont être plus détonantes que ce voyage diplomatique….

Continental Drifts

Continental Drifts

A fictional account of David Koresh’s last words, a cursory analysis of the pantheon of Icelandic sagas, a home movie taking into account 20 years of filming on an old Bolex 16mm camera, a series of reflections on the destructive nature of industrialized societies: a collage film, metaphysical road trip movie in time of pandemic and social uprising. A point-and-shoot epistolary fever dream collage film made in times of multiple crises..

Rich Hall's Continental Drifters

Rich Hall's Continental Drifters

Comedian Rich Hall hits the road as he takes us on his personal journey through the road movie, which, from the earliest days of American cinema has been synonymous with American culture. With his customary wit and intelligence, Rich takes us through films such as Bonnie and Clyde, The Grapes of Wrath, Thelma and Louise, Vanishing Point, Five Easy Pieces and even The Wizard of Oz. He explores what makes a road movie and how the American social, economic and political landscape has defined the genre..

Continental Drift (OST)

Continental Drift (OST)

Continental Drift (OST) is the original soundtrack for a simulated transatlantic flight from New York to London. Bringing together dislocated pop, arpeggiated guitars, and ambient material recorded in many different locations over the past five years, the album continues Lek's explorations into the meditative experience of movement. The entire album is presented as a single-shot music video, with kaleidoscopic visuals seen from the window seat of a Boeing 777. This work is Lek's first album since 2011's Screengazers LP, and is the first of several upcoming releases through his Bonus Levels project..

A la Derive Des Continents

A la Derive Des Continents

No-one could care less about tectonic plates, no more than they could about the 1940s; the same goes for the melting of the north and south poles & all that crap... But a Blockhaus gradually sinking into the sand is always amusing to see....

Zinky Boys Go Underground

Zinky Boys Go Underground

Thriller providing a chilling insight into the damaged psyche of Russian soldiers returning home from Afghanistan. Andrei is the drug-crazed leader of the Zinky Boys, who make a living on the black market in the underground railway, where a serial killer is on the loose..