

Comrades sokroflix gratuit



Grande-Bretagne, Dorset, 1834. George Loveless et ses amis, laboureurs à Tolpuddle, sont de plus en plus exploités par les propriétaires terriens, avec la complicité du clergé. Ils s’organisent pour revendiquer des hausses de salaires, et créent en secret la Société Amicale des Laboureurs. Dénoncés par un propriétaire, six d’entre eux sont condamnés à la déportation en Australie. Devenus très populaires et hérauts d’une classe de plus en plus pauvre, ils deviennent les « martyrs de Tolpuddle »..



Young people are protesting on the streets of Hong Kong in order to bring about change. Air soaked with tear gas, the dark uniforms and loud commands of the police officers in the colourful umbrella sea of the protesters. In the midst of the action, the film documents a brand new protest movement..



Bologna is a university city where the young dance wildly in the streets, while families are evicted from illegally occupied buildings. It is also home to the film’s protagonists: SIMONE, FRANCESCA AND OLIVIA, young members of the Communist Refoundation Party. They participate in demonstrations, meetings and try to change the world and their Party. However, senior Party members are only concerned with the past, sabotaging their attempts. Disenchantment with the Party coincides with personal crises. SIMONE's sense of helplessness, the death of Francesca's beloved grandmother, and OLIVIA's contempt for the Party’s inefficiency make them drift away from the organization and from each other..



Comrades was a 1983-84 BBC television documentary series and the related book about life in the Soviet Union composed mainly of interviews and fly on the wall filming of 'normal' Soviet citizens. BBC producer Richard Denton was able achieve a largely unprecedented degree of freedom in selecting and interviewing people..

Comrades, Almost a Love Story

Comrades, Almost a Love Story

Li Xiao-jun arrive à Hong Kong dans l’espoir d’y gagner l’argent nécessaire pour lui et sa fiancée, restée sur le continent. Contre toute attente, il rencontre la belle et ambitieuse Li Qiao, dont il va peu à peu tomber amoureux. Réalisée un an avant la rétrocession, cette romance épique nous transporte de Hong Kong à New York, à travers toute une série de rendez-vous manqués. Maggie Cheung et Leon Lai y incarnent un couple mythique qui marqua toute une génération..

Trois camarades

Trois camarades

Novembre 1918. C’est l’armistice et les combattants allemands regagnent leurs foyers. Rentrés au pays, Erich, Otto et Gottfried, trois amis inséparables, montent ensemble une entreprise de réparation automobile. Mais dans cette Allemagne durement touchée par la guerre, les affaires sont difficiles et nos trois camarades vont être les témoins impuissants d’une nation qui peu à peu s’engouffre dans la nuit. « Il y a tant à réparer : des âmes, des consciences, des cœurs brisés par milliers » déclare Patricia à Erich devenu son mari. Elle semble s’épuiser et s’effacer alors même que cette nation se meurt par toutes les rancœurs qui commencent à se concentrer sur les minorités..

La Tragédie de la mine

La Tragédie de la mine

Lorraine 1919 : des mineurs allemands abattant les grilles pour secourir les Français, bloqués par un coup de grisou. Un hymne à la fraternité entre ex-ennemis, interdit dès l'époque nazie..

Chers camarades !

Chers camarades !

Une ville de province dans le sud de l'URSS en 1962. Lioudmila est une fonctionnaire farouchement dévouée au Parti Communiste. Sa fille décide de participer à la grève d'une usine locale et les événements prennent une tournure tragique. Les autorités dissimulent la violence de la répression. Lioudmila se lance alors dans une quête éperdue à la recherche de sa fille disparue..

Colt Comrades

Colt Comrades

Hoppy, California and Johnny partner up with brother and sister ranch owners, two of several who are having their access to water blocked by a dam owned by a greedy merchant in town, who is intent on driving them out and taking their land for himself..



Yann, jeune proletaire de Saint-Nazaire, refuse le confort petit-bourgeois que lui propose sa fiancee et monte a Paris. Il finit par accepter un travail dans une usine, prend conscience de la lutte revolutionnaire et milite dans un groupe d'extreme gauche..

The Comrades of Summer

The Comrades of Summer

Sparky Smith (Joe Mantegna) was manager of the Seattle Mariners until he had one too many shouting matches with the team's owner (Michael Lerner) and winds up fired. Now Sparky's ready to coach any team who'll have him. The only problem is, no one will, until the day the Russian Sports Ministry led by the delectable Tanya (Natalya Negoda) comes knocking at his door. The Russians need a baseball coach for their Olympic team, and Sparky is just the man for the job. Once on Russian soil though, he soon discovers that the Russian team is composed of athletes, hockey players, and shot putters who barely know their way around a diamond. Confronted with this losing team, hilarious comedy ensues when Sparky is told to accept an invitation to have his team visit the States and play his old team the Mariners..

Iwo Jima: From Combat to Comrades

Iwo Jima: From Combat to Comrades

For the men who fought perhaps the fiercest battle of WWII, seventy years have passed. But the memories of those 36 bloody days on Iwo Jima have not. In the spring of 2015, survivors of both sides of the battle returned for the last time to join a Reunion of Honor — a unique, now-peaceful fellowship first forged of fire and bullets..

Three Comrades: Auezov / Satpayev / Margulan

Three Comrades: Auezov / Satpayev / Margulan

There are three characters in the film. Classics of science and culture of Kazakhstan. Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961), Kanysh Satpayev (1899-1964), Alkey Margulan (1904-1985). They have a difficult fate. During the years of repression, they were persecuted by the authorities for studying the Kazakh folk epic, but they did not lose their humanity. They were friends and helped each other..



Comradeship is a 1919 British silent film drama, directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Lily Elsie, Gerald Ames and Guy Newall. The film's action covers the entire span of World War I, from the months before the outbreak of hostilities to the declaration of peace..

Comrades & Cash: Geheime Geschäfte unter dem Eisernen Vorhang

Comrades & Cash: Geheime Geschäfte unter dem Eisernen Vorhang

Socialism costs money. If you don't have it, you need to get it. But that is the thing: Communists don't like to make money. At least that is what we thought. A film on the unbelievable ironies and counterintuitive measures taken during the Cold War. Threatened by bankruptcy the GDR lost its ideals and became a receptive student of capitalism in its most elaborate form. It is a story of tunnels underneath the Iron Curtain, of collaboration between East and West. In the end, the Cold War isn't what it seemed to be..