

Comment trouver The Watchers gratuit

Les Guetteurs

Les Guetteurs

Perdue dans une forêt, Mina trouve refuge dans une maison déjà occupée par trois personnes. Elle va alors découvrir les règles de ce lieu très secret : chaque nuit, les habitants doivent se laisser observer par les mystérieux occupants de cette forêt. Ils ne peuvent pas les voir, mais eux regardent tout..

The Line Watchers

The Line Watchers

This is a story about Hong Kong Customs. The trio comprising Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau Senior Superintendent Hoi Fung, Trade Controls Bureau Chief Trade Controls Officer Kwan Pui-yan and Customs Drug Investigation Bureau Superintendent Wan Tsz-ki lead a contingent of elite customs officers and fresh-faced rookies, including Probationary Inspector Chan Ka-hing, to carry out diverse operations involving eggs, nuclear bombs, baby formula, heroin and much more. They are always ready to go all out not only on the ground, but also in the sky and at sea, showcasing a reinvented and ingenious Customs and Excise Department. This group of individuals adhere to the motto “Serve the Community with Commitment and Excellence”. Although they have their own issues, they can still overcome hurdles. They contribute to social stability and prosperity in Hong Kong, and Hongkongers are proud of The Line Watchers..

The Watchers

The Watchers

The Watchers is a spiritual thriller series about the archangel Michael is summoned back to earth to protect the chosen voices of a new spiritual revival from his brother, the devil..

The Night Watchman

The Night Watchman

Pouvoir voir les fantômes et autres esprits surnaturels est une lourde responsabilité. Le prince Lee Rin (Jung Il Woo), comme son père avant lui, découvre qu'il est capable de voir des fantômes et d'autres êtres surnaturels. Fort de ses nouvelles capacités, Lee Rin devient le chef d'un groupe de gardes de nuit qui patrouillent dans les rues du crépuscule à l'aube pour protéger les habitants de la dynastie Chosun contre les mauvais esprits. Moo Seok (Jung Yun Ho) est le meilleur épéiste du pays, qui est le fidèle garde du corps du prince. Mais leur loyauté sera mise à l'épreuve lorsqu'ils tomberont amoureux l'un de l'autre de la même femme - Do Ha (Go Sung Hee), successeur de la tribu des Ma Go, qui cherche leur aide pour protéger les esprits de la montagne Baek Do. Mais Park Soo Ryun (Seo Ye Ji), fille d'un officier de justice, ne recule devant rien pour épouser le prince Lee Rin. «Le gardien de nuit», également connu sous le nom de «Journal d'un gardien de nuit».

The Watcher

The Watcher

Après avoir souffert d'un tragique décès, un couple achète un motel dans le désert, mais découvre qu'une série d'événements dérangeants et inexpliqués ont pris place dans l'une des chambres les plus demandées..

The Watchers

The Watchers

The small town of Little Park, South Jersey is rattled when a girl slaughters her friends after a seance one evening. Weeks later, with the suspect locked in a psych hospital, murders and abductions begin to occur..

The Watchers

The Watchers

Solar flares erupt from the sun - headed for earth - and giant meteors rain down on the planet. Meanwhile, a young girl is dreaming it all before it happens. Or is she? A sci-fi thriller shot in beautiful New Zealand..

The Watcher

The Watcher

Ex-agent du FBI à Los Angeles, Joel Campbell a passé huit ans de sa carrière à traquer des tueurs en série. L'un d'eux, Griffin, specialisé dans le meurtre des femmes seules, a tenté de le provoquer et de l'entraîner dans un jeu morbide mais Campbell a resisté et s'est fait muter à Chicago.En proie à de douloureuses migraines, il suit une psychanalyse avec le docter Polly. Etrangement, la réapparition de Griffin va l'éloigner un temps de ses problèmes. Le tueur lui envoie chaque jour la photo d'une inconnue, qu'il menace de tuer le soir venu....

The Watchers: Revelation

The Watchers: Revelation

An inexplicable archeological find leads Dr. Peter Kenner to conclude that we are not alone, aliens have visited the Earth in the distant past and have now returned. Struggling to reconcile the evidence with his once held religious views, Peter turns to his uncle, Josh Sanders, a retired scientist and a man of strong Christian faith. Meanwhile, Sarah Pennington seeks protection for her young daughter, Kara, believing the extraterrestrials are bent on abducting the gifted nine-year-old as they did Sarah's husband three years earlier. When the four are brought together by Ethan, a mysterious stranger, Peter and Sarah wrestle with their own beliefs as Josh seeks to convince them of the truth. It becomes clear that Kara has a very special gift-one that can expose the true nature of the extraterrestrials..

Watchers 2: Signs in the Heavens and the Earth

Watchers 2: Signs in the Heavens and the Earth

Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation? Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what are the Torah Codes saying about the moon? What about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Something has changed, and Watchers 2 will try and investigate if what ancient texts have said for millenniums are true - that we are entering a period where there will be wars, earthquakes, and famines - including signs in the skies and the heavens. L.A. Marzulli offers brilliant comment as well as interview experts on this volume. Including: Chuck Missler, Rabbi Aaron Parry, Stan Deyo and Jim Wilhelmsen, Marshall Masters and Dr. Roger Leir will also give us his update on alien implants..

Watchers 4: On the Edge

Watchers 4: On the Edge

L.A. Marzulli continues with Dr. Leir's latest implant tests, and on to Texas where we probe into the Nephilim. The latest Torah Codes, as well as an exclusive interview with Jonathan Daniels from the Knesset, and finally -- what it is like to die and go to hell?.

Dark Watchers: The Women in Black

Dark Watchers: The Women in Black

More and more UFO sightings occur every day. Across the globe people are losing time, friends and loved ones disappear, while the Men in Black are perpetually lurking in the background. In a sleepy seaside village, three women search the skies for a sighting of a UFO that is repeatedly haunting the area. Every day they venture out until one day they return having completely lost 4 hours from their lives. Their need to understand the UFO's and why they are here opens a world they could never have imagined and takes them into the heart of a dark and secretive universe populated by the Men in Black. Coming face to face with the unknown, they begin to realize that they have been profoundly affected by their encounter. To make matters worse, they begin to evolve into something amazing, yet horrifying - something beyond their worst nightmares. Beware the Dark Watchers. Written by Philip Gardiner.