

Comment trouver The Rover gratuit

The Rover

The Rover

Dix ans après l’effondrement de l’économie occidentale, les mines australiennes sont encore en activité, et cette industrie attire les hommes les plus désespérés et les plus dangereux. Là-bas, dans une société moribonde où survivre est un combat de chaque jour, plus aucune loi n’existe. Eric a tout laissé derrière lui. Ce n’est plus qu’un vagabond, un homme froid rempli de colère. Lorsqu’il se fait voler la seule chose qu’il possédait encore, sa voiture, par un gang, il se lance à leur poursuite. Son unique chance de les retrouver est Rey, un des membres de la bande, abandonné par les siens après avoir été blessé. Contraints et forcés, les deux hommes vont faire équipe pour un périple dont ils n’imaginent pas l’issue….

The Rovers

The Rovers

The Rovers was an Australian ocean-based family adventure television show originally screened 1969 - 1970 on the 0-Ten network. Produced by NLT Productions, the series starred Rowena Wallace, Edward Hepple, Noel Trevarthen and Grant Seiden. The storylines revolve around the adventures of the crew of the ‘Pacific Lady’, an island schooner owned by Captain Sam McGill, played by Hepple, Bob Wild played by Trevarthen and Rusty Collins, a wildlife journalist. Thirty-nine episodes of 30 minutes each were produced. Writers included Kenneth Cook, Ron McLean, Michael Wright, Ralph Peterson and Rosamund Waring..

The Irish Rovers

The Irish Rovers

The Irish Rovers is a group of Irish musicians that formed in Toronto, Canada in 1963[1] and named after the traditional song "The Irish Rover". They are best known for their international television series, contributing to the popularization of Irish Music in North America.

Camel Trophy - The Land Rover Years

Camel Trophy - The Land Rover Years

Land Rover Years Land Rover Years combines a decade of great adventure, skillful 4WD action and stunning scenery. The Camel Trophy, the world's greatest amateur expedition, was the original testing ground for teamwork, sportsmanship and human endurance. Teams from around the world were invited to embark on remarkable and challenging 4x4 adventures, and asked to survive using their wits, bare knuckles and the capable power of the Land Rover..

Rover (or Beyond Human: The Venusian Future and the Return of the Next Level)

Rover (or Beyond Human: The Venusian Future and the Return of the Next Level)

In their dilapidated church headquarters, a dispirited cult awaits the sign to off themselves. Their hapless leader, Dave, concocts a plan: to quell infighting and give them purpose in life, he fakes a prophecy instructing them to make a movie and share their story with the world. They don't know the first thing about film production, but in making the movie the cult members find a uniting purpose. Then, just as they hit their stride, Dave receives a true prophecy. It's time for them to "exit.".

The Rover Story

The Rover Story

From the Rover Safety Bicycle in 1885 to the last Rover cars in 2005, this documentary traces the turbulent history of this famous British motor manufacturer. Many ex-Rover engineers are interviewed to help tell the story and also to get those historic anecdotes that can only be revealed by the people who were present at the time. In addition to the Rover personnel, owners of significant Rover models relate the history, before Rover historian James Taylor, concludes to tell the final collapse of MG Rover..

The Rover of Tobruk

The Rover of Tobruk

A documentary written by Kane McKay, a returned military serviceman, about Bob Quinn, a recipient of the Military Medal for his heroic actions in World War II in Tobruk, 1941, and also champion player for a number of years at the Port Adelaide Football Club..

The Irish Rovers Christmas

The Irish Rovers Christmas

Join The Irish Rovers for their rollicking Christmas concert, then come along as the lads kick up their heels in the mountains and pubs of Banff National Park. They are joined onstage by old friends and guest musicians Gerry O’Connor, Patrick Davey, Morris Crum, Irish tenor John McDermott, and guitarist Jason Fowler..

The Irish Rovers Home In Ireland

The Irish Rovers Home In Ireland

The Irish Rovers celebrate the beauty of their homeland in Northern Ireland, performing on location at Carnlough Harbour, Dunluce Castle, The Giant’s Causeway, Slemish Mountain, Glenarm and Galgorm Manor near Ballymena..

Ronya, fille de brigand

Ronya, fille de brigand

Fille d'un grand brigand pourchassé, la jeune Ronya, au caractère aimant, loyal et téméraire, se fait un ami secret dans la dangereuse forêt enchantée de son père..

Peyrol le boucanier

Peyrol le boucanier

1797. Le boucanier Peyrol, porteur d'un message pour l'amiral de la flotte, force une fois de plus le blocus de la flotte anglaise au large de Toulon. Mais un commissaire du peuple, Dussard, l'accuse bientôt d'avoir dérobé un chargement d'or. Peyrol parvient à s'échapper et trouve refuge dans une ferme côtière isolée, où vivent Arlette, jeune femme instable, et sa tante Catherine..