

Comment trouver The Midwife gratuit

Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife

East End, Londres, 1957. Sage-femme fraîchement diplômée, la jeune Jenny Lee s'apprête à entrer dans la vie active. Mais en lieu et place de l'hôpital où elle croit avoir été embauchée, c'est un couvent qui l'attend : Nonnatus House. Elle va y découvrir l'âpre réalité d'un quartier défavorisé, mais aussi faire la connaissance de femmes qui sont de véritables héroïnes. .

The Midwife

The Midwife

A desperate woman tries to make sense of the supernatural occurrences bringing chaos to her young family. Things take a turn when the midwife pays a visit..

Une sage-femme diabolique

Une sage-femme diabolique

Sara, enceinte de sept mois, est très excitée à l'idée de débuter une nouvelle vie dans la petite ville où son mari Daniel a grandi. Rapidement, elle se lie d'amitié avec Jina, une sage-femme. Les deux femmes deviennent inséparables. Sara ignore que Jina nourrit de sombres desseins, et qu'elle est en danger....

The Midwife's Tale

The Midwife's Tale

A young girl, the daughter of a lesbian couple, lies peacefully abed listening to one of her mothers reading her a bedtime story. The off-beat tale she hears is set in medieval times and chronicles the exploits of poor Lady Eleanor, an independent, free-spirited young aristocrat who would much rather spend her time riding and being outdoors than staying cloistered inside tending to needlework. Still she is a dutiful daughter and reluctantly abides by her late father's wish that she marry Lord William. William knows that he is not her dream lover, but he is patient and eventually she gets pregnant. Eleanor is terrified, for her mother lost her life and the life of her baby giving birth. Not wanting to suffer the same fate, she sneakily tries to engage the local midwife to come and abort the fetus. Unfortunately, the midwife has been accused of sorcery by the local priests and has been sentenced to die. Fortunately, young Gwenyth, a new midwife shows up..

Beware of the Midwife

Beware of the Midwife

With doubts of delivering their first child in the hospital, Sarah and Kevin decide to hire a midwife to give birth safely in their own home. But their worst nightmare occurs when their midwife, Rose, conceives a different plan and kidnaps their newborn to have a grandchild of her own. Now Sarah and Kevin must find Rose, and most importantly their baby..

Sage femme

Sage femme

Claire exerce avec passion le métier de sage-femme. Déjà préoccupée par la fermeture prochaine de sa maternité, elle voit sa vie bouleversée par le retour de Béatrice, femme fantasque et ancienne maîtresse de son père défunt..

The Midwife

The Midwife

Helena has worked as a kind of midwife on the eve of the Lapland War. She wants to leave everything behind, and a suitable opportunity arises when she falls in love with a German-Finnish officer Johannes, who is leaving to German-led Titovka prison camp in the Soviet Union. Helena enlists into the camp as a nurse, where she experiences the brutality of war..

The Midwife

The Midwife

In 1943 Stanislawa Leszczynska was arrested by gestapo as a result of helping Lodz ghetto prisoners and sent down to concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau together with her three children. There she went through the dreadful trial. Stanislawa worked as a midwife facing inhuman conditions, on the edge of exhaustion, she delivered 3000 labors not loosing any child - Her name - as one of four outstanding Polish women of the last century - was placed on Life and Changing the Nation Goblet sacrificed by Polish women in Jasna Gora Monastery. What was the secret of this extraordinary woman? Where did her strength came from? Why even facing death she has never lost faith in what she was doing?.

Secret of the Midwife

Secret of the Midwife

Marthe is a girl with a special gift: she can cure illnesses. But the time she lives in is marked by superstition and godliness. When Marthe can not help the burgrave's wife from her village, the girl has to flee. Your path crosses that of Ritter Christian, who moves eastward into the Mark Meissen with a group of Frankish settlers. In the Middle Ages an unimaginably long and arduous way. Christian has a hard time avoiding the fascination of Marthe, but their diverse backgrounds make a relationship impossible and the settlers are afraid of the weird girl..

La Ventrière

La Ventrière

Dans le Jura français, la fin d'une époque médiévale épurée et fantasmée, Else, sage-femme herboriste, et Nicole, sa jeune apprentie, sont interrompues dans leur pratique quotidienne. Un inconnu à cheval demande à rassembler toutes les femmes du village dans l'église..

The Midwife: Praji Magic

The Midwife: Praji Magic

The film tells a story about Nyi Anis who uses black magic because she is vengeful towards her husband who has thrown her out of the house. The condition for the black magic is that she has to sacrifice a baby every full moon. She becomes the pretty Nyi Mayang. Her husband is willing to take her back. Trouble arises when her black magic teacher dies and she cannot return to her original form. The villagers then defeat her using prayers..

Sage-femme de première classe

Sage-femme de première classe

Un couple de jeunes mariés s'approche d'une boutique pour le moins singulière puisque l'on y vend des bébés ! Une discussion s'engage entre eux au cours de laquelle le jeune homme se laisse convaincre. La marchande présente divers poupons mais aucun ne semble faire l'affaire. Il est temps de passer à la réserve : c'est un potager rempli de nombreux choux. La marchande se penche vers les légumes pour y récolter de nombreux bébés bien vivants mais les clients sont difficiles à satisfaire. Le choix enfin fait, l'homme sortira son bas de laine (au sens propre) pour payer son dû..

Un homme sage-femme

Un homme sage-femme

À 27 ans, Louis Maltais débute sa formation pour devenir le premier homme au Québec à exercer le métier de sage-femme. Sur une période de quatre ans, nous accompagnons Louis dans un véritable parcours initiatique..

Homme sage

Homme sage

Julien prend ses fonctions dans un centre de protection maternelle infantile dans un quartier difficile. Il va très vite être confronté aux difficultés qui font le quotidien de l’équipe du centre. Lors de sa première consultation, il se retrouve face à Léa, tombée enceinte à la suite d’un viol..