

Comment trouver The Mating Season gratuit

La mère du marié

La mère du marié

Val, un homme d'origine modeste, épouse en grande pompe Maggie Carleton, une riche héritière. Leur idylle s'annoncerait sous les meilleures auspices si elle ne reposait pas sur un malentendu. Par crainte de se voir opposé une fin de non recevoir, Val a «omis» d'avouer sa piètre condition financière à son épouse. Lorsque la mère de Val se présente pour lui souhaiter ses meilleurs voeux de bonheur, le personnel de la maison la prend pour la nouvelle bonne. Pris de court, Val tente de faire comprendre à sa mère qu'il conviendrait mieux, pour un temps, d'endosser cette fausse identité afin de ne pas compromettre son avenir....

The Mating Season

The Mating Season

They say opposites attract, but could a romance possibly develop between an attorney, successful at work but unlucky in love, and a divorced man whose main interest is birdwatching?.

The Mating Season

The Mating Season

The Weiss Advertising Co under manageress Lo Yu Chun (Pat Ting Hung) and the Jen An Advertising Co. managed by playboy Tsao Chung Nien (Peter Chen Ho) are business rivals. The former works hard but without much success. The latter, with most of his staff perusing racing form or yellow journals, gets far more business. The anticipated arrival of a business tycoon from Malaya starts another battle and Lo Yu Chun goes all out to win over the prospective customer..

The Mating Season - 2. A Weird Animal

The Mating Season - 2. A Weird Animal

This animal can darken or lighten its body color, and is not easily visible to the human eye because of its adeptness at camouflaging its form. When the male reaches the mating season, it decorates the surrounding area with beautifully shining jewels and stones of various color to lure the female, whom is attracted to shining light, and makes secretive and hallucinatory the place in which the mating will take place..