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The Jump

The Jump

The Jump is a reality series which follows twelve celebrities as they take on some of the most challenging and dangerous winter sports in an effort to become crowned the series champion..

The Jump

The Jump

Having married into a family with Mafia connections, Donna thought her husband George was the diamond in the rough. But after his arrest, she sees layers of him beneath her worst fears, and finds herself fighting for her safety and sanity..

Jumping the Broom

Jumping the Broom

Bienvenue au mariage de Sabrina Watson et Jason Taylor qui sont vraiment faits l'un pour l'autre. Malheureusement, leurs familles composent les ingrédients d'un cocktail d'embêtements. Mme Watson a une allure aristo qui va bien avec son domaine familial de Martha's Vineyard dans lequel la mère de Jason, une femme de Brooklyn, ne semble pas du tout à sa place. Quand les familles se réunissent pour le mariage de Jason et Sabrina, il devient évident que chaque clan a ses traditions... et ses secrets..

The Jump

The Jump

Luna, a fresh high school grad, goes on a journey to understand what she wants to do in the world and how she achieves happiness and professional success..

The Jump

The Jump

An astronaut braves a pioneering solo mission into deep space, leaving behind her loving husband. Through disjointed communications, she discovers her life on Earth has changed forever..

The Jump

The Jump

With a healthy mix of imagination, balls and roughly remembered Newtonian physics, a kiwi bloke jumped off a bridge in 1980 and started what has become a worldwide phenomenon. 'The Jump' is an original story of bungy jumping and its unsung creator Chris Sigglekow. Unearthed video footage from the 80s uncovers this amazing period of bungy's beginnings..

The Jump

The Jump

Young Eric believes the water is magical; in it, possibilities soar. But a harsh encounter with bullies at a pool transforms his belief into fear. In this award-winning film, only one brave act will remind Eric that the magic's been inside him all along..

The Jump

The Jump

The Jump connects the widely recognised fantasy of Hollywood action and superhero films with the domestic setting of the artist’s British Indian family home in the UK. Featuring 17 of his family members, the film was shot in his grandmother’s home, the house that he and all of his immigrant relatives have lived in at various points since 1967, and where his grandmother still lives..

Deux Frere dans le bronx

Deux Frere dans le bronx

Au coeur du Bronx, 2 frères se retrouvent après 3 ans de séparation. Commence alors la lente descente aux enfers de deux hommes prisonniers de l'étau de la drogue et victimes de la violence d'une ville au bord du gouffre et qui n'ont plus qu'un but, rester en vie..

The Girl in the Yellow Jumper

The Girl in the Yellow Jumper

Alors que la rumeur se répand qu'un tueur en série en liberté continue de commettre des meurtres, un policier en congé doit ramener en ville un témoin âgé qui vit dans une région reculée de l'Ouganda. En chemin, le policier prend en charge un homme blessé. Sur le chemin de la ville, le passager raconte au policier les événements qui l'ont conduit à se retrouver blessé au milieu de la route. Mais alors que nous voyageons avec ces mystérieux personnages dans la voiture, le réalisateur Loukman Ali nous montre que les histoires qu'ils racontent ne sont que des versions fragmentaires et partielles des événements qui se sont déroulés, et qu'il y a peut-être des vérités enfouies sous chacune de leurs paroles..

Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story

Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story

Introducing his never before seen 'leaping one-hander' to the masses on a national level, Kenny Sailors quickly grew to be a fan favorite while leading his Wyoming Cowboys to the Collegiate National Championship in Madison Square Garden in 1943. But after playing on several losing teams in an unstable, emerging league now known as the NBA, Kenny disappeared into the Alaskan wilderness only to be forgotten by the sport he helped pioneer. Now, nearly sixty years later, the multitude of people he has touched along the way have forced Kenny’s humble reemergence..