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The Homeboy

The Homeboy

Realizing that he is dangerously close to becoming a "Where Are They Now" casualty, MC², an arrogant red-haired rap star from the plush New Jersey suburbs, begins plotting a comeback with the help of his management team. Shortly thereafter, onto the scene comes MC²'s longtime musical idol, a retired old-school British rapper (Hoolie Hooligan) with a nasty reputation and a penchant for obscenely large wrenches. Disguised as a polite sink repairman (his alter ego, Wendell) Hoolie proceeds to infiltrate MC²'s plumbing as well as his disintegrating career, with dramatic (and traumatic) results..

Une Virée d'Enfer

Une Virée d'Enfer

Pour quatre copains qui vivent dans le Bronx, Vinny, Johnny, Willie et Tom, le vendredi soir est synonyme de virée. Ces jeunes gens sont plutôt désabusés, et ils ont appris les dures lois de l'existence dans ce rude quartier de New York. Du métro au supermarché, du bureau d'une agence pour l'emploi à leurs chambres, les garçons rêvent, draguent, imaginent un avenir pas très rose... Cette nuit-là va les mener de catastrophe en catastrophe. Ils ont un accident de voiture, ils sont arrêtés par la police du métro....

Father G and the Homeboys

Father G and the Homeboys

Narrated by esteemed screen veteran Martin Sheen, director John Bohm's socially conscious documentary details the efforts of Los Angeles-based Jesuit priest Father Greg Boyle in helping to redirect the troubled lives of four gang-bangers living in the battle scarred area of Boyle Heights. Affectionately known to his many followers as "Father G," Boyle and his non-profit group "Homeboy Industries" have been working for over twenty-years to help kids prone to gang violence prepare for a future free of deadly turf wars and premature funerals..

Judas and the Black Messiah

Judas and the Black Messiah

A la fin des années 1960, William O'Neal est arrêté pour vol. Un agent du FBI lui propose de l'amnistier s'il accepte de travailler comme informateur. On le charge ainsi d'infiltrer le Black Panther Party et de se rapprocher du leader du mouvement dans l'Illinois, le charismatique Fred Hampton..



A musical-documentary film follows Samuel and Isaac, South-Sudanese teenagers deported from Israel who dream about being musicians. Amir, an Israeli musician, comes to their refugee camp in Uganda to work with them. Through rhythm and sound, the film follows hardships and the high-hopes of young refugees, as they deal with Dreams in a complex reality..



When the Norwegian rap-group Side Brok got success with rhymes in their local dialect and lyrics inspired by their hometown, the national music industry didn't know what to think. The fans loved them, but was hip-hop from the rural town of Hovdebygda just a joke? The film is an intimate portrait of Side Brok through six years of ups and downs. A story of a one-of-a-kind hip-hop universe with mountains, fjords, rednecks, humor and irony, but also of true friendship and love of words and music..