

Comment trouver The Game is Dead gratuit

The Game is Dead

The Game is Dead

THE GAME IS DEAD follows the gripping story of Smooth, who mangages to ris to the top of his brotherhood, dealing in everything from drugs to prostitutes to the "protection" of local businesses. Being intellectually gifted, Smooth is able to move from the streets to the bedroom, the boardroom and up to the very top, but not without creating enemies along the way. In a city where anyhing and everything can happen Smooth must battle to remain on top or die trying..

Deadly Game

Deadly Game

Des joueurs de jeux-vidéos de toute la Hollande se réunissent lors d'une convention pour découvrir un nouveau jeu. La convention terminée, quelques joueurs sont invités à rester dans les locaux pour pouvoir jouer à un jeu inédit, dont le premier prix est un chèque d'un million d'euros. Mais la terreur ne fait que commencer....

Deadly Game

Deadly Game

A hunting party arrives at a lodge in the Tatra mountains in Slovakia, where one woman in the party had “accidentally” shot and killed her first husband some time ago..

Love Is a Deadly Game

Love Is a Deadly Game

Ihor is a famous photographer whose works are published in a number of magazines and presented at international exhibitions. In the cycle of affairs and trips, he meets a girl. The image of Lera, her beauty and mystery awaken in him both romantic feelings and the creative interest of the photo artist - they inspire him to create a series of beautiful photographs of his beloved. A fast-paced novel brings confusion into the hero's life and puts him in front of a choice: a new unexpected relationship or a proposed multi-month business trip to America, which causes envy among colleagues. Somehow, while completing the documents, Igor accidentally notices on the bulletin board a photo robot of a dangerous criminal who resembles Lera. Getting confused in comparisons, facts and doubts, he tries to find the truth. The struggle between love and the realization of the bitter truth ends tragically..

Serious Games 2 – Three Dead

Serious Games 2 – Three Dead

An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. Three Dead depicts a military exercise within a mock Iraqi town built on the outskirts of Twentynine Palms, California, blurring the line between computer simulation and reality..