

Comment trouver The Descent gratuit

The Descent

The Descent

En plein milieu du massif des Appalaches, six jeunes femmes se donnent rendez-vous pour une expédition spéléologique. Soudain, un éboulement bloque le chemin du retour. Alors qu'elles tentent de trouver une autre issue, elles réalisent qu'elles ne sont pas seules. Quelque chose est là, sous terre, avec elles....

The Descent 2

The Descent 2

Après une expédition spéléologique avec des amies, Sarah émerge seule des grottes des Appalaches, traumatisée par les événements. 24 heures plus tard, le shérif local l'oblige à redescendre sous terre afin de guider l'équipe de secours qui cherche désespérément ses cinq amies disparues. Alors que le groupe s'enfonce dans les profondeurs, Sarah commence à réaliser toute l'horreur de cette mission. Le danger qui les guette, tapi dans les ténèbres de la grotte, est encore plus féroce que celui auquel Sarah a survécu….

The descent

The descent

A journey into the mythical Underworld exploring themes of grief and loss. It offers a reflection on how grief is one of the most powerful, painful, universal experiences of being human. It immerses the viewer on a mystical journey through ancient realms and weaves a rich sonic tapestry of voices together with striking visuals..

The Descent

The Descent

The Descent is a complex and fantastical tale that traverses the precarious aftermath of trauma, how these events shape us and our realities. Follow a sister as she dives headfirst into the distorted mind of her lost brother and the world he has created..

The Last Descent

The Last Descent

In 2009 John Jones entered Nutty Putty Cave with his brother Josh. What happened next has been a topic of much discussion and controversy ever since. Over 127 rescuers responded to the call for aid, and each one has their own take on the events. A story about love, life, and human connection. Ultimately it is the story about how clearly you can see what matters most when you are at the edge of life and death. Made with cooperation from members of John's immediate family..

Deep Ocean: Descent into the Mariana Trench

Deep Ocean: Descent into the Mariana Trench

L'exploration d'un monde inconnu à 10 000 m sous les vagues. Après avoir capturé un calmar géant sur pellicule, l'équipe de tournage en haute mer de NHK explore le point le plus profond de notre planète, la Fosse des Mariannes à près de 10 km de profondeur. La pression de l'eau est immense et ce monde est depuis longtemps hors de notre portée. Quelles créatures pourraient survivre à de telles conditions hostiles? Cette expédition va explorer la frontière la plus profonde de la terre. Narrateur David Attenborough..

Chile: The Longest Descent - Part 1 - The Highest Volcano

Chile: The Longest Descent - Part 1 - The Highest Volcano

It's a crazy plan: to ride down the world’s longest descent from the roof of the Andes at 6890m to the Pacific coast of Chile - 300Km in all. But to even get to the start line, James Lowsley-Williams & Mark Beaumont need to scale the world's highest active volcano, Ojos del Salado with their bikes strapped to their backs. To make the start line they must acclimatise to the crushing altitude and the barren landscape before their attempt begins. Mark and James have nailed several epic rides in the past, but this latest attempt moves them into a different league, with extreme altitude and barren inhospitable landscapes challenging them before they can even begin..

The Graceful Descent

The Graceful Descent

In times of economic and environmental uncertainty, the American Dream is quickly fading into the background and being replaced by a world of wage slaves with a glib future. People who feel trapped inside a cubicle are asking themselves: "30 years from now, will I regret how I lived my life?" In The Graceful Descent, American journalist Katie Young's answer was, "yes." Katie sets off on a journey to define the broadly used term: sustainability..

Chile: The Longest Descent - Part 2 - 6890m To The Sea

Chile: The Longest Descent - Part 2 - 6890m To The Sea

How far can you ride a bike downhill? To find out GCN PresenterJames Lowsley-Williams has teamed up with adventurer Mark Beaumont for a challenge of epic proportions in the high Andes of Chile. Their goal is to scale the highest active volcano in the world, the Ojos del Salado, with bikes strapped to their backs, before riding the longest descent in the world….300 KM to the Pacific coast. With a depleted team, weather delays and pressure from home to return by Christmas, can they conquer the immense challenge ahead of them? It's all downhill from here... right?.

Descent into the Maelstrom

Descent into the Maelstrom

A stunning film based on majestic music based on a mesmerizing short story based on a unique natural phenomenon In 1980, Philip Glass wrote a piece of music inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s short story A Descent into the Maelstrom, which in turn was inspired by Moskenesstraumen – a unique natural phenomenon outside the Lofoten islands. In this documentary, we follow the Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra to the top of the Ryten mountain where they perform Glass’ music overlooking Moskenesstraumen itself. With its powerful music and majestic landscapes, Descent Into The Maelstrom is an ode to the beauty and harsh living conditions of Northern Norway..

In Search Of...Detective Barnaby And His Descent Into The Haunted Mansion

In Search Of...Detective Barnaby And His Descent Into The Haunted Mansion

Made by a cinema (on shift) for the cinema - Inland Empire meets The Muppet Show in this experimental abstract horror comedy feature debut. Following on from a series of shorts - Detective Barnaby has been tasked to investigate the disappearance of Detective W.T. Hell & the previous characters who succumbed to the horrors of Tong-Hands. Upon entering his haunted mansion located within a cinema suspended from space and time, Barnaby meets the ghosts and specters of the previously fallen. Once alerted to his presence, Tong-Hands begins to torment the detective, using his cinema to tear apart his perception of reality. With a smorgasbord of constantly revolving characters and an ever changing score - you will be sent on a cinematic journey akin to no other. In Search of Detective Barnaby and his Descent Into The Haunted Mansion will delight, horror, confuse, perplex, stun, entertain and leave you forever changed..

The Descent of the White Leopard

The Descent of the White Leopard

The Russian Descendant of the Snow Leopard is based on a famous Kirghizian folktale. Apparently the Kirghizian folks had plenty of time to tell this story: to print a full synopsis would result in a novelette. Essentially, the story involves a proud group of highland hunters called the Snow Leopards, who in order to survive a brutal winter must request help from the Lowland people. The price for this assistance is the hand of the Snow Leopard's daughter, who is promised in marriage to a wealthy Lowland trader. During the Springtime wedding celebration, the trader becomes fascinated by a stranger who wins all the athletic contests. This "male" contestant turns out to be a woman, who has arrived to seek freedom for her imprisoned husband. The subsequent romance between the trader and the beautiful stranger results in disaster and bloodshed for both the Snow Leopards and the Lowlanders..

Hikiko: The Descent

Hikiko: The Descent

After their class reunion, Yukari, Kiriko, and Niko launch a website for punishing people who have done wrong, yet escape law enforcement. As their website goes viral, Kiriko and Niko's acts of violence increase in intensity to satisfy their need for attention and the demands of their growing subscribers..

Robotech - Mospeada

Robotech - Mospeada

En 2050, la Terre est envahie par des extraterrestres, les Invids. Les humains, basés sur Mars, essayent de reprendre le contrôle de la planète bleue. En 2083, au cours d'un raid qui tourne mal, le soldat Stick Bernard s'écrase sur le continent sud-américain, qu'il ne connaît pas. Il se joint à une bande de résistants et essaye de mener le combat sur Terre, en partant à la recherche de "Point Réflexe", la base des Invids en Amérique du Nord....

K2: The Impossible Descent

K2: The Impossible Descent

Le 22 juillet 2018, l'alpiniste polonais, Andrzej Bargiel, chausse ses skis à une altitude de 8 611 m pour entrer dans l'histoire. Suivez son l'expédition de la Pologne au Pakistan, alors qu'il descend le K2 à ski..