

Comment trouver The Countess gratuit

La Comtesse

La Comtesse

À la mort de son mari, la comtesse Elizabeth Bathory se trouve à la tête d’un vaste domaine et d’une immense fortune. Aidée de sa confidente, la sorcière Anna Darvulia, Elizabeth étend progressivement son influence, suscitant chez chacun crainte, admiration et haine, pour devenir la femme la plus puissante de la Hongrie du 17ème siècle – dictant ses conditions jusqu’au roi lui-même. Elle rencontre alors un séduisant jeune homme dont elle tombe éperdument amoureuse mais celui-ci l’abandonne. Certaine d’avoir été délaissée car elle n’était plus assez jeune et belle. Sombrant progressivement dans la folie, Elizabeth, à la suite d’un accident, se persuade que le sang de jeunes vierges lui procure jeunesse et beauté....

The Countess

The Countess

A newspaper reporter takes a job as the butler of a countess in order to get a story; he graduates to the position of personal representative, bodyguard, and, finally, husband..

La Comtesse blanche

La Comtesse blanche

Les relations dans les années 1930 à Shangaï entre un diplomate anglais ayant perdu la vue et une comtesse russe blanche survivant entre petits boulots et prostitution pour soutenir financièrement les membres de sa belle-famille..

The Countess de Monsoreau

The Countess de Monsoreau

Paris 1578, France is in the middle of a struggle for power between king Henri III and his brother Duke d'Anjou. Court intrigues are intertwined with a love story between count de Bussy and a mysterious countess de Monsoreau..

The Countess of Castiglione

The Countess of Castiglione

Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione, is an unscrupulous and beautiful woman, in love with Andrea Pieri, a patriot ready to do anything to free Italy from the foreign oppressor. Wounded during a chase, Pieri takes refuge in the castle of Virginia, which, with the approval of her husband, Count Francesco Verasis of Castiglione, takes care of him. Meanwhile, Nigra, in charge of the affairs of the Kingdom of Piedmont in Paris, discovers the relations of the countess with the subversives and sees in her the perfect tool to bring Napoleon closer to the Italian cause..

The Erotic Rites of Countess Dracula

The Erotic Rites of Countess Dracula

This movie is about a lady that is turned into a vampire. She hates being a vampire and living in the darkness and refuses to drink blood and has Rienfeld to go out and find a solution for her to become mortal like everybody else. So, he goes out and finds three virgins. She was a rock singer before she was a vampire and wants to become a singer again and still be mortal..

The Countess Betty's Mine

The Countess Betty's Mine

Counters Betty Ardmore inherits from an uncle a large mining property in the United States. At the advice of her counselor she comes to America to personally superintend the conduct of her property. Her brother, a dissolute fellow, is left out of the inheritance, but at his solicitation and promise to reform, she takes him with her..

The Countess Alice

The Countess Alice

A reporter is assigned a then-and-now piece on a 50-year old photospread of three society beauties. One of them, Lady Alice Munroe, now the widowed Grafin von Holzendorf, has agreed to be interviewed..

The Countess Charming

The Countess Charming

Stanley Jordan, a wealthy young bachelor, attends a Red Cross Benefit at the country club where he meets and falls in love with Betty Lovering and unwittingly offends Mrs. Vandergraft, the social leader..

La Comtesse perverse

La Comtesse perverse

Le comte et la comtesse Zaroff vivent sur une île déserte, en marge de la société. Pour passer le temps, ils soumettent des jeunes femmes à des jeux pervers et les dévorent une fois assassinées. Mais quand Sylvia débarque, elle décide de ne pas se laisser faire et décide de défier l'autorité du couple….

Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing

Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing

Ada Lovelace was a most unlikely computer pioneer. In this film, Dr Hannah Fry tells the story of Ada's remarkable life. Born in the early 19th century, Ada was a countess of the realm, a scandalous socialite and an 'enchantress of numbers'. The film is an enthralling tale of how a life infused with brilliance, but blighted by illness and gambling addiction, helped give rise to the modern era of computing..

The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess

The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess

Terakomari, aussi surnommée Komari , une jeune fille qui vit en recluse, se réveille et découvre qu'elle a été sélectionnée pour être un général de l'Empire. Bien qu'elle soit née dans une famille prestigieuse de vampires, Komari est athlétique, de petite taille et incapable d'utiliser la magie en raison de son aversion pour le sang. Elle ne savait quoi répondre lorsque sa confidente et supposée domestique, Ville, lui a annoncé la nouvelle. Pas le choix : afin de survivre dans ce nouvel environnement, elle va tout miser sur le bluff !.

The Blood Countess

The Blood Countess

The Blood Countess and her maid take us on a wild hunt for blood and secrets from times gone by. On their adventurous journey, they desperately search for the precious lifeblood while also uncovering the dark history of their ancestors. But suddenly a mysterious book appears that poses a threat to their vampire kingdom. As they are pursued by their vegetarian nephew, his psychotherapist, two vampirologists and a tenacious police inspector and his assistant, things spiral out of control..