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The Climb

The Climb

Kyle et Mike sont deux meilleurs amis aux tempéraments très différents mais dont l’amitié a toujours résisté aux épreuves de la vie. Jusqu’au jour où Mike couche avec la fiancée de Kyle… Alors que l’amitié qui les lie aurait dû être irrémédiablement rompue, un événement dramatique va les réunir à nouveau..

The Climb

The Climb

Les grimpeurs amateurs relèvent une série de défis mentaux et physiques dans une compétition pour couronner le meilleur grimpeur amateur du monde..

La montée

La montée

Deux alpinistes aux ambitions similaires, mais au caractère foncièrement différent décident d'entreprendre ensemble grâce au financement d'une société, une ascension réputée impossible !.

The Climb

The Climb

Baltimore, 1959. Danny's dad is the only man in the neighborhood who didn't fight in World War II. Danny, who's 12, gets teased and folks make nasty cracks about cowards. An old radio tower on a nearby hill is about to be torn down, and Danny decides to climb it to prove his courage. Help comes from an aging neighbor, Old Man Langer, a former construction foreman who's dying of cancer and wants Danny to help him commit suicide. Langer rigs pulleys and weights to help the lad make the climb. Meanwhile, an aggressive and angry neighbor (an army vet) regularly gets drunk and shoots off his rifle, and Danny's dad must confront him. It all comes to a head one stormy night..

The Climb

The Climb

Kyle is depressed, and a weekend bike ride with his best friend, Mike, should help. Fresh air. Camaraderie. Exercise. But Mike has something to say that might ruin the ride..

The Climb

The Climb

Based on the true-life 2013 Greenpeace protest, the film chronicles the efforts of six activists who staged one of the riskiest stunts ever performed: illegally scaling one of the tallest skyscrapers in Europe to protest oil drilling in the Arctic. The climbers risk life and limb, enduring extreme weather whilst they confront their fears in a thrilling attempt to make it to the top..

The Climb

The Climb

11 JULY 2013, 3AM. After months of training, under the cover of darkness six women begin their illegal ascent of the tallest building in Europe....

The Climb

The Climb

The Climb is a 2007 documentary of Laurie Skreslet's return to Mount Everest after twenty-five years. On October 5, 1982, Laurie Skreslet and Pat Morrow were the first Canadians to climb Mount Everest at the cost of four dead team members..

The Climber

The Climber

When Harry Lumsden, a humble bakery worker, adds up the results wrong of an IQ test, he mistakenly thinks he is a genius. Filled with a new sense of self worth Harry decides to set about improving all aspects of his life and especially his "career"..

And they climbed the mountain

And they climbed the mountain

Fanny et Simon, deux jeunes d'à peine vingt ans, fuient une zone industrielle et s'enfoncent dans la montagne. Un incident malheureux, survenu sur leur lieu de travail, les lie dans une aventure commune. En chemin, ils se séduisent, apprennent à se connaître. La découverte, en pleine nature, d'un objet mystérieux, va faire basculer leur destin..

The Hill Chris Climbed: The Gridiron Heroes Story

The Hill Chris Climbed: The Gridiron Heroes Story

The compelling, heart-wrenching story of high school football star Chris Carnales, whose life changed when he became paralyzed after breaking his neck in a football game. Chris soon learned of others who suffered similar injuries and, with the help of his father, overcame tremendous pain to start an organization with one goal in mind: get immediate help to other victims and their families. He called it Gridiron Heroes..

Le Vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire

Le Vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire

Le jour de son 100ème anniversaire, un homme s'échappe de sa maison de retraite pour une cavale rocambolesque, certain qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour tout recommencer à zéro. Débute alors une aventure inattendue et hilarante aux côtés d'un escroc, d'un vendeur de hot-dogs, d'une rousse et d'un éléphant….

The Wall: Climb for Gold

The Wall: Climb for Gold

Four female climbers face the sporting challenge of a lifetime as they attempt to compete in the first ever Olympic climbing competition at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Wall: Climb for Gold follows four elite climbers, Janja Garnbret, Shauna Coxsey, Brooke Raboutou, and Miho Nonaka, over an extraordinary two years. They battle through Olympic qualifying events to earn their place at Tokyo, then face a gruelling season of competition and training that sees everything put on hold when the Covid-19 pandemic forces the Games to be postponed. As the young women confront their own mental and physical demons en-route to Tokyo, the film reveals an astonishing and inspiring insight into what it takes to be an Olympian and ultimately what it means to be human..

Les Alpes

Les Alpes

En 1966, John Harlin II mourut alors qu'il tentait l'ascension la plus difficile d'Europe, la face nord de l'Eiger en Suisse. 40 ans plus tard, son fils John Harlin III, alpiniste expert et rédacteur en chef de l'American Alpine Journal, revient pour tenter la même ascension. Dans un décor d'une beauté naturelle écrasante, Les Alpes est une histoire vraie d'un courage extraordinaire. C'est le voyage intensément personnel d'un homme qui a toutes les raisons de ne pas gravir la mortelle face nord de l'Eiger, mais qui le doit. Présentant certaines des images IMAX les plus spectaculaires jamais vues, le film célèbre la beauté inégalée des Alpes et l'esprit indomptable des gens qui y grimpent..