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The Building

The Building

The Building is an American CBS television comedy that lasted only five episodes in 1993. Bonnie Hunt played Bonnie Kennedy, a commercial actress who was jilted by her fiance shortly before the show started and moved back to Chicago to pick up the pieces of her life in an apartment across from Wrigley Field. The series focused on Kennedy's struggles and the characters who lived in her apartment building. Making heavy use of Second City alum, the show was also filmed live; mistakes, accidents, and forgotten lines were often left in the aired episode..

Only Murders in the Building

Only Murders in the Building

Only Murders In The Building suit trois inconnus qui partagent une passion pour les faits divers et qui se retrouvent soudain mêlés à l'une de ces aventures, alors qu'ils enquêtent sur la mort mystérieuse d'un voisin dans leur immeuble de New York..

The Building

The Building

A bored journalist reporter's baby monitor is picking up her neighbors' phone conversations, and one neighbor's dialogue in particular convinces her that he's a murderer..

Constructions Hors Limites

Constructions Hors Limites

Les aventuriers et leurs équipes combattent Dame Nature pour construire des maisons uniques dans des régions éloignées. Des conditions météorologiques imprévisibles à la faune envahissante, vont-ils construire à temps pour respecter leurs délais?.

Building the Eiffel Tower

Building the Eiffel Tower

Explore the revolutionary engineering behind Paris’s iconic landmark. Completed in just over two years for the 1889 World’s Fair, the iron tower smashed the record for the tallest structure on Earth, ushering in a new age of global construction that reached for the skies. How did the engineers do it? Follow the innovations, successes, and failures that made one of the most famous buildings on the planet possible..

The Buildings That Fought Hitler

The Buildings That Fought Hitler

Exploring the buildings that were built to defend Britain from a German invasion during World War II. From coastal defences, to secret bases, travel across Britain looking at the buildings that were built to fight Hitler and his advancing army..

Building The Ultimate

Building The Ultimate

Reveals the engineering secrets built into six modern wonders - from Europe's fastest passenger train and largest luxury cruise ship, to North America's toughest bridge and the world's mightiest heavy-lift aircraft..

Mais où est passé Elvis ?

Mais où est passé Elvis ?

Harmony Jones, représentante en cosmétiques, sillone les routes de l'ouest amériacainau volant de sa cadillac rose. Sa vie va prendre un tournant le jour où, par accident, elle provoque la mort de trois sosies d'Elvis Presley se rendant à une convention à las Vegas. C'est en tentant d'échapper aux agents du FBI qui enquêtent sur ces morts suspectes qu'elle rencontre Miles Taylor, publicitaire new-yorkais, qui ressemble trait pour trait à l'homme de ses rêves..

Building The Dream

Building The Dream

Many people think building their dream home is out of their budget. But it doesn't have to be. As far as architectural designer Charlie Luxton is concerned, it doesn't have to break the bank, and he wants to prove it. As presenter of `Building the Dream', Luxton works with potential homeowners looking to turn a plot of land into their dream home that suits their lifestyles but doesn't cost too much to build. He helps them get the best out of their designs and introduces them to others who have created their own dream homes. The first-time builders then must choose whether to take the advice under consideration in their designs or ignore it and stick to their original plans..

Le tueur du dernier étage

Le tueur du dernier étage

Suite au décès de son mari, Michelle et sa fille, Norah, emménagent dans un sublime appartement au dernier étage, pour un nouveau départ. Au début, tout semble bien se passer quand elles se lient d'amitié avec d'autres locataires mère-fille, Hélène et Channing. Mais c'est sans compter la présence du concierge, Lawrence, et d'un certain Josh, qui va faire de petits travaux chez elles et qui au final, fait fondre le cœur de Michelle. Entre jalousies, vandalismes et crêpages de chignons, leur nouvelle vie n'est peut-être pas si rose qu'elle n'y paraît. Resteront-elles dans cet appartement ?.

Obama: Building the Dream

Obama: Building the Dream

He was elected as the 44th President of the United States simply for being Obama: voters, tired of what America had become, responded to his persona, his message and what he embodied - hope. Obama was in many ways a mirror, a mirror in which millions of Americans saw reflected their personal ideals: ideals of justice, tolerance and equality. After spending two tumultuous terms in office, through a period of geopolitical upheaval and economic crisis, it is easy to forget how the young president captivated the world simply by being 'Obama'..

Building the Great Pyramid

Building the Great Pyramid

Pyramid aka Building the Great Pyramid is a 2002 BBC Television documentary film which tells the story of the building of the Great Pyramid at Giza through the commentary of the fictional builder, Nakht..