

Comment trouver The Bell Jar gratuit

The Bell Jar

The Bell Jar

Based on the 1963 novel by Sylvia Plath, a young woman's summer in New York sees her working for a Mademoiselle-like magazine, return home to New England, and subsequent breakdown all amidst the horrors of the fifties, from news of the Rosenbergs' execution to sleazy disc jockeys and predatory college boys..

The Bell Jar

The Bell Jar

Adaptation of the 1963 novel by Sylvia Plath. Details a young woman's summer in New York working for a Mademoiselle-like magazine, return home to New England, and subsequent breakdown all amidst the horrors of the fifties, from news of the Rosenbergs' execution to sleazy disc jockeys and predatory college boys..

Under the Bell Jar

Under the Bell Jar

A micro-opera based on the novel "The Glass Shroud" by American writer Sylvia Plath and biographical elements. A young girl, reflecting on society and her emotional state, begins to turn towards self-destruction.

Superman Recites Selections from 'The Bell Jar' and Other Works by Sylvia Plath

Superman Recites Selections from 'The Bell Jar' and Other Works by Sylvia Plath

In Superman Recites Selections from 'The Bell Jar' and Other Works by Sylvia Plath an actor portrays Superman and does exactly what the title describes. In a dark no-place evocative of Superman's own psychic 'Fortress of Solitude' the alienated Man of Steel recites those sections of Plath's writings that utilize the image of the bell jar. Superman directs these lines to Kandor, the bell jar city that represents his own traumatic past, for he is the only surviving member of a planet that has been destroyed. Kandor now sits, frozen in time, a perpetual reminder of his inability to escape that past, and his alienated relationship to his present world. For us, Kandor is an image of a time that never was — the utopian city of the future that never came to be..