

Comment trouver The Aquarium gratuit

The Aquarium

The Aquarium

Plongez dans le monde fascinant de l'Aquarium de Géorgie avec l'Aquarium d'Animal Planet. Rencontrez les animaux, le personnel dévoué et assistez à la magie. De la plus petite créature marine au plus grand requin, suivez les routines quotidiennes et les défis auxquels sont confrontés les habitants de l'aquarium. Une montre incontournable pour les amoureux des animaux !.

The Aquarium

The Aquarium

Filmed primarily in Alaska, The Aquarium contrasts the openness of the primeval Arctic landscape with the entrapment of captured sea mammals in aquariums. It speaks of the progressive destruction of these animals’ habitat, seeing beyond the alluring spectacle..

The Aquarium

The Aquarium

A quiet and unsettling story of two trans people in love who have to find subtle forms of connection to validate their experiences at their workplace until they are able to escape and be their true selves..

Aquariums - The Dark Hobby

Aquariums - The Dark Hobby

Les îles Hawaï sont le point de départ du commerce des aquariums qui capture et vend des poissons de récif pour les aquariums des amateurs, décimant le récif, l'océan et l'oxygène de la terre. Les autochtones hawaïens, les défenseurs de l'environnement, les scientifiques, les collectionneurs et les éleveurs de poissons d'aquarium sont impliqués dans une controverse sur l'étonnant « trésor d'Hawaï » : les poissons d'ornement..

Aquarium de la mort

Aquarium de la mort

Dans un parc aquatique, un injection donnée à une pieuvre engendre la création de plusieurs animaux morts-vivants, qui s'échappent de leurs aquariums. Les employés décident de fermer l'établissement..

Secrets of the Aquarium

Secrets of the Aquarium

Transporting turtles, hugging fish and swimming with sharks - all in a day's work. Head under the water as the dedicated team reveal the secrets of Britain's biggest aquarium..

Ocean Wonders - Inside the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Ocean Wonders - Inside the Monterey Bay Aquarium

Transform your television into a living work of art with spectacular scenes of hammerhead sharks, schooling sardines, jellyfish, kelp forests and more. Filmed in Ultra HD at the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium, Ocean Wonders takes viewers on an awe-inspiring underwater journey alongside the ocean's most mesmerizing creatures..

Georgia Aquarium - Keepers of the Deep

Georgia Aquarium - Keepers of the Deep

Come see the animals and the people who make this place so special. This 30-minute DVD will take you on a journey through the Georgia Aquarium from its inception, to the exhibits, to the people who make this place tick! This DVD is an English-only feature..

Wild Caught: Aquarium Fish Trade of the Amazon

Wild Caught: Aquarium Fish Trade of the Amazon

Wild Caught: The Aquarium Fish Trade of the Amazon is the first full length documentary to investigate the trade of tropical fish, the benefits it offers to rainforest conservation and the reasons why the industry in Brazil has been in decline. The film is considered, by both conservation groups and the international aquarium industry, to be a factual examination of the Brazilian wild-caught aquarium trade. This sustainable aquarium fishery is sometimes considered a controversial aspect of conservation in Amazonia. The aquarium fishery has existed for over 60 years in the state of Amazonas and has demonstrated that it can play an important role in the protection of one the Earth's most important forest and aquatic ecosystems without depleting the populations of the fish. However, over the last 20 years, the industry has been in crisis and has faced numerous challenges..

The Aquarium

The Aquarium

Youssef is a hotshot anesthesiologist who often sleeps in his car for privacy. Laila is the careerist host of a late night radio call-in show. These two members of Cairo's elite, lost souls traveling parallel paths of longing and disconnection, are the principal fish in Yousry Nasrallah's The Aquarium, a meditation on the intellectual capital of the Middle East, now bent under the sway of repression in all its forms..

The Aquarium

The Aquarium

In a dystopian realm underneath the ground, a mysterious boss dictates the rules of the young people living and working here. They each work in a club, taking care of dedicated club members day after day. It is a lonely life with no escape. Carla is responsible for the Aquarium Club, Zac is in charge of the Motor Club. When their paths cross, a whole new world opens..

Inside the Aquarium

Inside the Aquarium

After a row out on the yard the neighbors, 10 years old Billie and Amina, become friends. They discover that they have more in common than they suspected and create an equally as playful as self-evident co-existence. But the conditions are about to change in a finely tuned and sensitively formed portrayal of friendship..

Hors de l'Aquarium

Hors de l'Aquarium

« HORS DE L’AQUARIUM » est le titre de la nouvelle exposition de Jonas. À travers ses tableaux, Jonas raconte son expérience d’immigré de couleur et membre de la communauté LGBT. Ses œuvres révèlent ses peurs, sa solitude et ses rêves d’avenir..