

Comment trouver Slight Fever gratuit

Slight Fever

Slight Fever

Wakana is a 17-year-old high school student who loves to cook. She enjoys peaceful days with her family and friends, but sometimes she senses delicate changes among people around her. Wakana meets office worker Mizuho through social media where she can talk about her worries, but Mizuho turns out to be a person Wakana never expected to be..

A Slight Fever

A Slight Fever

22-year-old Alexander is studying at a music college and arrives to his last rehearsal before the final competition. With the help of his teacher, he seeks to remember the reasons he chose his particular instrument—the cello—and his memory reverts to a day in his youth when he gave his last concert as a young chorister..

Petite fièvre des vingt ans

Petite fièvre des vingt ans

Deux étudiants, Tatsuru et Shin, travaillent dans un bar gay de Tokyo. Si Shin assume son homosexualité et s'éprend de Tatsuru, ce dernier en revanche a du mal à trouver sa sexualité. Nous suivons, au cours de quelques semaines, leurs relations, entre eux, avec les filles, leurs copains, les clients du bar jusqu'au moment où un homme les achète pour faire l'amour dans une chambre d'hôtel, ce qui va révéler leurs émotions refoulées..